Healthy friendships September 29

Obj: TSWBT Explain components of a healthy friendship.

Journal: Explain good communication AND OR list good communication skills in 4-5 sentences.

Lesson: We briefly reviewed the journal and we went right into a ted talk about what makes good friendships.

after the clip and answering some questions they were given time to complete missing or incomplete work.

assignment: Fill out the tedtalk worksheet 1-5,8-9,10,12. Work during work cycle.

Decision making September 29

Obj: TSWBT explain the three types of decision making skills.

Journal: Explain what a mind map is and how it is used to gather information AND OR write how you could use a mind map in class using 4-5 sentences.

Lesson: We reviewed their journal about a mind map. Then we talked about the three types of decisions we make; snap decision, no decision, and responsible decision. From there students had work cycle to complete today’s assignment and previous assignments.

assignment: work cycle for the students to complete their assignments and describe each of the three decisions we can make.

Communication skills September 27

Obj: TSWBT Demonstrate Components of good communication skills.

Journal: explain what respect is AND OR describe how you can show respect in 4-5.

Lesson: we reviewed briefly about respect and how we can show respect. Then as a class we played Kahoot to learn basics about communication. After which student could work on their assignment in work cycle.

assignment: Student could complete the book Pages 152-157

Before you read, Real life issue, and lesson assessment.


complete the packet from the website.


Mind Map September 27

Obj: TSWBT explain a variety of ways to gather information.

Journal: Why are refusal skills important AND OR why should we use refusal skills, use four to five sentences.

Lesson: we briefly went over the journal, and from there we had a short discussion about different ways to collect information. I then gave a small introduction about a mind map and how we can use it to gather information.

Assignment: you must have one main point, eight topics, 16 sub points, and 32 sub sub points.

create a mind map on paper or poster


use to create a mind map.

Refusal skills September 25

Obj: TSWBT demonstrate refusal skills in at least three different ways.

Journal: explain what passive, aggressive, and assertive behaviors are AND OR list 4-5 behaviors in total about each behavior.

Lesson: The class finished their journal after which we reviewed for those who were absent. Then in groups we listed 10 different ways to say no. After that students listed what 10 different scenarios as what or when they would need to say no.

assignment: Students will completed book work pages: 202-204

or students completed a project with RACE, why are refusal skills important?

Respect September 25

Obj: TSWBT Describe what respect looks like.

Journal: Describe what a healthy and unhealthy relationship looks like AND OR list what the behaviors are of each relationship in 4-5 sentences.

Lesson: The students completed their journal, from there we quickly reviewed what the definitions are. Then as a class we come up with the definition of respect, and in groups students listed what are the behaviors of someone who shows respect.

assignment: Students completed the book work Page 148-151. OR students did their project using RACE from English, how can I show respect.

February 12 aggressive, assertive, passive behavior

Obj: TSWBT 1.4a examine components of a healthy relationship.

Journal: Write about one emotion and explain what it looks like, AND OR explain how emotions play a role in our mental health.

Lesson: students completed their journal, from there we reviewed the previous lesson. After which I put on the board the three behaviors. In small groups they listed behaviors that belonged in each category and as a class we made a short definition for each behavior. Then to wrap up the lesson students played an identification game where they touched the behavior that corresponded with what I said.

assignment: exit ticket, students gave examples of each behavior; five each.

Sept. 21 Health and unhealthy relationship

Obj: TSWBT illustrate the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship.

Journal: Name/list some of the facts about suicide, and or explain what are some factors to consider about those who are more likely to commit suicide.

Lesson: Students completed their journal and we reviewed and discussed the previous lesson. From there as a class we made a list of what healthy relationship looks like and what a unhealthy relationship looks like. From there we created a definition for both and then they moved onto their assignment.

assignment: students could complete the book work (real life issue, before you read, and lesson assignment questions) OR students could read about healthy and unhealthy relationships and look for behaviors that correspond to the correct category.

2.2 Six Skill Related Fitness

Obj: TSWBT complete all of the six skill related fitness activities for 50 minutes.

Lesson: We reviewed the following; the five components of health, the six skill related fitness, and the pyramid of physical fitness. After we reviewed from the previous lessons, we did an instant warm up activity. The warm up activity was a tag game that last about 5 minutes. After the warm up students were given the time to practice six skill related fitness activities in the gym. The activities consisted of dribbling a basketball, speed ropes, juggling, long jump, kneeling jump, heel click, and reaction time to name a few.

Suicide/mental health

Obj: analyze how suicide plays a role in mental health.

Journal: explain or define anxiety/depression AND OR explain some signs of anxiety or depression in 4-5 sentences.

lesson: Today as a class we categorized different aspects of suicide. The five categories were facts, myths, signs, verbal signs, and people who are high risk. Students were able to discuss were each fact belonged.

assignment: Students could complete the book assignment on page 122. They are to complete “Real life issue”, “Before you Read”, and the assessment questions at the end of the lesson.


complete the project of finding more information (10 facts about each section) about the five categories, in either poster form, power point, word document, and or written.