Fit for Life

W1.1 PA Pyramid (here is the link for the assignment, due September 05)

Review norms, and collected assignments.


  1. TSWBT practice positive communication skills all period.
  2. TSWBT perform activities from each level of the physical activity pyramid.

Students performed an instant activity that was similar to follow the leader. then students were given the time to perform the six stations. each station related to the physical activity pyramid.


Fit for Life December 12, 2016 Body composition

Obj: TSWBT identify the components of body composition and the factors that affect body composition.

Lesson: The students did some reading on body composition, the reading talked about the factors, what is BMI, height and weight. Students then worked on calculating their own BMI, and looking at where they fit according to the graph.

Aspire: N/A

Fit for life Muscular Endurance December 06, 2016

Objective: TSWBT perform tests for muscular endurance in four different stations.

Lesson: We talked about the different categories and ranges for a healthy zone for muscular endurance. We then spent the class period moving from station to station, and then they reflected upon what they achieved and what they could do to improve in the reflection area. The assignment was completed in class and turned in.

Aspire: Muscular endurance


Fit for Life strength of character November 28, 2016

Obj: TSWBT describe ways that they can build character within class.

Lesson: students worked in groups and defined what character is. They also discovered the six pillars what they can do in class to show those pillars with their actions. As a class we then talked about what muscular strength and muscular endurance. They discovered different ways to perform each of those components of health.


Muscular strength/endurance December 02, 2016

Objective: TSWBT demonstrate a understanding of how various populations use muscular strength.

Lesson: we reviewed about what muscular strength and endurance were and what it looks like. We then gather more information about how we can be specific about each of the two, either muscular strength or endurance. Students then worked on resistance type activities and which activities or sports cause resistance.

Aspire: N/A

Depression November 29, 2016

Journal: What is depression, and explain some of the symptoms. Use at least 5-6 sentences.

OBJ: TSWBT Categorize 20 depression triggers from the selection of cards.

Lesson: The students finished categorizing their depression cards, and we then talked about some of the signs and symptoms. Students then created their own list of what some of the signs and symptoms are and talked about it within their group.

Aspire: N/A

Depression Nov 10, 2016


Objective: TSWBT describe depression and its symptoms in 3-4 sentences.

Lesson: we covered a slide show to see if we could see if we could find a person (by looking) who had depression. We then got into groups to discuss the following; recognizing depression, categorizing triggers for depression, and understanding what a person with depression might say and do.

assignment: Complete the categorizing of triggers for depression.

Sexting presentation Nov 10, 2016

I have asked Officer Child to give a presentation on the effects of “Sexting”. I have attached a permission slip for those parents who do not want their child to attend, and I have sent it home with the students. If they have lost it for some reason, it will be attached to this post. The date that he is coming is December 15, 2016. If you have any questions please feel free to ask or  send an email.
