Stress management November 07, 2016

Objective: TSWBT List different types of stress under acute and chronic stress.

Lesson: Today we finished two more presentations, and then we moved onto stress management. As a class we discussed what stress is, and then I gave an example about stress and how it affected me physically, mentally, and socially. For their assignment they were to make a mind about about the stressful situations from their lives, and then list the symptoms that they experienced.

assignment aspire: N/A

Flexibility November 03, 2016

Gather information: a discussion was lead about what is flexibility and do students think that they are flexible or not and why.

Lesson: students either read by themselves or with a small group, and they answered these questions;

  1. What is range of motion?
  2. How do you perform a PNF stretch?
  3. What would you do in the example story you read about?
  4. List as many joints as you can.

After that students listed the different joints and the plans that they crossed.


Fit for Life Modified ultimate tournament

Instant activity: Students will pass the frisbee around back and forth between pairs or a group of three.

Lesson: review the objective (demonstrate honesty, fairness, and cooperation by following rules and working out disputes with competitors.) and then we played a game of ultimate frisbee as a class. We then were supposed to modify some of the rules of the game but we ran out of time.

Debrief: What did they like about the game, what could have been changed, and what could be done next time during the game.

assignment: lesson objective, did they demonstrate this during class. Points were deducted when the objective was not met in whole or in parts.

ultimate frisbee October 24, 2016

Objective: Resolve interpersonal conflicts with empathy for rights and feelings for others.

lesson: we learned about Ultimate frisbee, the rules, spirit of the game, game play and that ultimate frisbee is different than most sports. One major difference is that it is a sport in which you call your own fouls. You must use the honor system and be honest.

Here is the website for the rules of the game, and basic game play. The questions on the test will be from this video about ultimate frisbee.


Active sports and Recreation October 18, 2016

Objective: TSWBT exhibit cooperation, respect, encouragement, and ability to work independently.

Lesson: passed out the study guides, and went over the objective. As a class we talked about the difference between active sports, recreation, and physical recreation.

assignment: students are to complete the worksheet and turn it in on Monday.

Questions Soccer/baseball/ultimate frisbee/basketball


How tall is the basket?

Label the basketball court.

How wide is the court?

How many players on the court for one team?

Write down one thing you know about basketball.

Write down one rule of basketball.

Ultimate Frisbee

Are you allowed to double team?

How do sports build character?

What direction may you throw the frisbee?

How many points to win a game?

What is the objective of the game?

What is another name for a frisbee?

How long is the field?

How wide is the field?

How many players are on the field for one team?

How many substitutes do they have?

Write down one thing you know about ultimate frisbee.

Write down one thing you want to know about ultimate frisbee.

Soccer questions.

  • Draw the field.
  • Label the field.
  • Name the positions in soccer.
  • Name a rule in soccer.
  • What is a yellow card?
  • What is a red card?
  • How does a corner kick happen?
  • How does a goal kick happen?

Baseball questions

  • Draw the field.
  • Label the field.
  • Name a rule in baseball.
  • Name a position in baseball.
  • What is the purpose of the foul lines.
  • Draw the foul lines.
  • How many positions in baseball?
  • What must the runner do when a fly ball is caught?
  • Name all the positions in baseball?
  • Describe the strike zone.
  • Draw the strike zone.

Dodgebase October 13, 2016

Journal: Explain to me why you thinik it is important to understand what a problem drinker, alcoholic, and social drinker are. Use four to five sentences.

Objective: TSWBT use all active listening skills during the lesson.

lesson: We had some conflicts with lesson so I adapted and the students played a game of dodgebase instead of working on their projects. More information about this project will be on the next post.

Assignment: play the game, Aspire: N/A.

Baseball October 13, 2016

Bell Work:

What is the purpose of the foul line.

Draw the foul line.

Lesson: students practiced their goals, and then for a game we played dodgebase for the game. Students were then given time to finish and turn in their questions.