PE April 18, 2016

Today in Physical Education we did the ultimate frisbee test, after that the students played softball, then they split up into two different teams and finished the period with ultimate frisbee.

Health April 14, 2016

Journal: Make two lists one list of things that cause stress (list ten ways) and another list  of ten ways to reduce stress.

Objective: TSWBT Write two paragraphs (five sentences each at least) explaining if these activities helped reduce your stress and explain how.

Lesson: Today the students learned and list ways that cause stress and came up ways that can help reduce stress. We talked about what can cause stress that may lead to depression, in which we discussed ways of reducing that stress. So today in class we learned about Guided relaxation and Guided imagery relaxation walk through that students participated in.

PE April 14, 2016

Warm up: Write down two rules for ultimate frisbee.

Lesson: Students practiced their forehand and backhand along with their two handed catch, and pancake catch. Students  then played an actual game in which they used their skills they had been practicing. There is a test on Monday on ultimate frisbee and its rules.


Health April 12, 2016

Journal: Explain to me how people get caught sexting from Jason Child’s presentation, use at least five sentences.

Objective: TSWBT write down three ways that cause depression in each category socially, physically, and psychologically.

Lesson: We reviewed what Mr. Child talked about during his presentation, and then the students presented their information that they had obtained on their drug. As a class we then finished the depression presentation talking about what are some of the causes and what we can do to help someone who has depression.

PE April 12, 2016

Warm up: List three skills cues for the forehand and backhand.

Lesson: Students practiced their forehand, and backhand while also practicing their catching ie pancake catch and the two hand grab.


Health 24, 2016

Journal: From what the guest speakers talked about, why is diversity important in society? Use at least five sentences.

Lesson: We reviewed what is diversity, and how each of us plays a role in diversity in our community. Then the students had time to work on their drug research project.

PE March 24, 2016

warm up: Students received their tests back and turned in their warm ups from Tuesday.

lesson: Students watched two short videos on how to perform a forehand and backhand throw of a frisbee. Then we went outside and practiced 10 each, then we played the game of frisbee.

Health March 22, 2016

Warm up: Teacher took role.

lesson: We had guest speakers today, they played a yarn game in which they introduced themselves, and talked about how diverse they are and where they come from. Then the class answered three questions about their partner, and answered them to the class, after they were done they made a ten line poem that they shared with the class that had ten lines describing themselves. The class finished up with solving a puzzle about diversity.

PE March 22, 2016

Warm up: Students wrote down two skills needed for ultimate frisbee, and then the students wrote down three skills for each skill.


students learn the rules about ultimate frisbee, and they learned how to play ultimate frisbee by watching the youtube video. Then as a class we went outside and practiced the skills for catching and throwing.