Maturation Program Dates

MMA is hosting a Maturation Program for our 7th & 8th graders.

Consent forms have been sent home with the Junior High students. There are options on the form of what you grant permission to. If you choose to not have your child participate, there is an option to check that as well. Please look over it & send it back to school with your child. They need to be returned to Ms Jaime by Wednesday, February 18th. Planned Parenthood of Utah (Approved provider by the State of Utah) will be presenting the information.

Parents are invited to attend if they would like to come.

  • Monday, March 9-    7th grade program (co-ed presentation) will be from 1:00-2:30pm in MMA’s Library. It will be focused on Healthy relationships.
  • Monday, March 16 –   8th grade program (co-ed presentation) will be from 1:00-2:30pm in MMA’s Library. It will be focused on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and making wise choices.

Maturation Permission Form

Important Reminders

Don’t forget to get your Gala tickets now before prices go up! MAPA and the GALA committee will be available to sell tickets all through PTC, or you can order them now using the below link.

Ticket Payment Link:

Also, don’t forget to order the 2014-2015 Hardcover Yearbook (Not for Junior High).  Early bird order season is past but it isn’t too late to order.  Yearbook orders are available until April 28, 2015.  Yearbooks are $25 this year, $30 if you want your student’s  name on the cover.  This year’s book is amazing, plus it will last for a long time because it will have a HARDCOVER on it instead of the soft/paper cover we are used to.  The hardcover and the additional pages is why it is $5 more than years past.



Capstone Fair

Junior High Students will be presenting their Capstone Projects on Friday May 22nd. Please help your child work on this throughout the next few months. Students have been working on their Capstone projects since the beginning of the year. For the fair, each student needs to give a verbal presentation, a visual presentation, field notes, and an essay.