Box Top Store

Please come to the Box Top Store on March 18th from 11:15-12:45 with your cut, un-expired box tops to ‘buy’ lots of cool stuff!

Here are the dates of the next few box top store dates:

  • March 18
  • April 22
  • May 20
  • boxTops4Education

5th Annual GALA!

Our 5th Annual MMA GALA is right right around the corner.  The funds for this year’s event are specifically targeted to help purchase a computer lab!  Your attendance, financial support, and commitment to this event is greatly appreciate!

Students can buy Gala Raffle Tickets to win the following prizes (Grill (picture below), iPad Mini and Samsung Tablet) Tickets – Thursday, Friday and Monday – Thursday next week after school 3:00-3:15pm!  $2.00 for 1 ticket 3 tickets for $5!


Purchase your GALA tickets and GALA Raffle Tickets on the following dates:

Saturday, March 14th at Smiths from 10:00am-4:00pm

Friday, March 13th after school at North Shore and in the school’s main lobby.

Friday, March 20th after school at North Shore and in the school’s main lobby.

You can also purchase your GALA tickets online using the link below!

Here is a teaser – Below are samples of the Art Work for the Live Auction! You want to be sure to walk away with a piece of art work your child help create!

photo (4)

photo (5)


Transportation to the Farm

We have a VERY limited number of certified drivers available to help with transportation to the farm. These are drivers that have had a background check and having so graciously taken an on-line course to help keep the students as safe as possible. However, we are not limited to certified drivers.  Parents are welcome to coordinate their own carpools and we encourage them to do so in order to support our number of outings.

Wednesdays Carpool sign up (limited)

Thursday’s Carpool sign up (limited)

With this in mind, parents are still responsible for their child’s transportation or need to find transportation to & from the farm for their child. (as noted on the permission slip). Certified drivers spaces fill up very quickly on our We Join In link because they are limited. (please do not sign up if you did not turn in your permission slip)

If you have forgotten what day you are going to attend the farm please see this sheet…  Students attending the Farm

If you are planning to drive your child, and don’t mind taking others, please have your child ask friends if they they still need a ride so we can help as many as possible.

If you are interested in becoming a certified driver to help provide a solution to this limitation please contact Ms. Jaime. (

Other ideas:

  1. Several students will check with friends to see if they can ride together
  2. Parents will ask other parents to take while the other picks up.

If you are unable to find a ride, please still come to the school as a regular day. There will be Jr High teachers here and classes will be held. Thank you!

Also, THANK YOU to those who signed up for food donations. Please make sure Ms Emily gets these items by Monday March 9th.

Don’t miss out!

Hello everyone,

Please take a moment to purchase a ticket (or two) to the 5th annual MMA Gala.  I can’t stress the importance of this event as it serves a crucial fundraising base for our school.  Without the proceeds from this event, our fieldtrips and ability to purchase computers and supplies would look much different.  Your commitment to attending this event sends a message of investment and appreciation for all that MAPA does for us during the year.

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Holmgren Historic Farm

Permission Slips were passed out today for the Holmgren Historic Farm. We will be splitting into 2 groups. Half the Jr High will attend on Wed, March 11 & the other half is attending on Thur, March 12. The students have already been assigned their specific day to go. Today each student was given a permission slip for their day assigned to them. These must be returned by Thursday Feb 26th if they are planning to attend.

They may be a wejoinin link posted later if carpool is needed. However, parents are responsible for transportation to & from the Farm.

Congratulations Science Fair Participants!

Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the science fair! Every one of you should be proud of yourself for being prepared and having the courage to present to the judges. This mandatory project was introduced to students in August, with deadlines over the last two semesters. They had opportunities to work on it in class, as well as on Fridays. In order to present at the science fair, students had to bring field notes, and a 3-fold board with a question, hypothesis, variables, procedure, data, and conclusion.

Those who didn’t meet the minimum standards for the science fair were required to read about a young inventor, document the scientific process that the inventor used, and compose a one-page scientific abstract on the invention.

Transportation to the Leonardo

We have asked that parents provide transportation for their children for our upcoming Field Trip to the Leonardo on Feb. 27th. If you are needing to find a ride for your child we do have some certified drivers that can help. (feel free to help them with gas $) Please sign up using the link below if they are needing transportation. Spots fill up quickly.