Drama Club Performance

Hello MMA Families,

Please join us for the culmination of all of the drama club’s hard work as they perform their first one act play on Thursday, April 23rd at 6:30 pm.  Tickets will be sold at the door at $ 1.00 per person.  We hope to see you there!


Ogden Weber Applied Technology Trip


ATCOn Wednesday CTE Introduction will be researching programs offered by Ogden Weber Applied Technology College and Davis Applied Technology College in preparation for our arranged tour of the Ogden Weber ATC.  The eighth graders attended the Davis ATC last year and have been invited to join the 7th graders this year as we tour the Ogden ATC.

Permission Slips were passed out to the students and were required to be returned Friday, April 17th.  Students who failed to return their slips on time will not be able to join the group.  Because we find great value in helping students understand their career training options those students staying behind will be required to choose one program from either ATC to research.  In lieu of attendance at the ACT they will then take their research to complete a Utah Compose informative essay.  This essay will need a minimum of three revisions and a minimum score of 15. Students who don’t complete their essay in the time provided on Friday will be working on it until it is finished, instead of attending field day and other extra-curricular activities.

For those attending click HERE for an itinerary of the field trip: ATC Cover letter

Please direct any questions or concerns about this field trip and/or Utah Compose Assignment to Ms. Emily egoddard@mariamontessoriacademy.org 

Thank you for your support,

Ms. Emily

Upcoming ATC fieldtrip

We are breaking the junior high into two large groups for our tour of the Ogden Weber Technical College on April 24th.  We will be traveling by city bus.

  • First group leaves at 9 and returns at 11:30
  • Second group leaves at 12-2:30

I could use 1-2 more parent(s) volunteer in each group.  Here is the link to sign up so I know who to give detailed information too:



MMA’s 1st Spelling Bee

Dear Families,

We kicked off our very first School Spelling Bee! Your children should have brought home a packet of spelling words to memorize. Please encourage your children to practice, practice, practice! 1st round tests will be given on the 16th for lower elementary students, the 21st and the 22nd for Upper Elementary and Junior High students. The three students who spell the most words correctly from each class will represent their class in the school wide spelling bee on May 8th.
