Blend Tec Trials

eraseOn Wednesday March, 26 CTE will be EXPLORING what our Blend Tec blenders can do.  Each small group has selected 2-3 recipes to try.  They are responsible to work as a group to ’round-up’ needed supplies and ingredients.  If there are any concerns with providing needed supplies or ingredients contact Ms. Emily) Students should have supplies to the school by Tuesday March, 25th.  They will be given time on Tuesday to make final preparations and last minute adjustments.   (Green Mango Madness, Orange Julius) (Carla, Shad & Luke) (Isaac, Elyse, Therese, Kaydree) (Abby, Destiny, Arianne, Gabe) (Hyrum, Lancer, Mason, Conner, Spenser) (Top Secret clearance needed for this link) (Aspen, Jackson, Carter, & Navie) (John, Katie, Kaylee, & Payton) (Sarah, Zach, & Noah) (Thomas, Levi, Lily, & Olivia) (Kyler, Ciarra, Bellia, Maliyah)


Four P’s of Marketing


pppp4 P’s of marketing

marketingWK You will have class time on Tuesday to complete this guide which will be due on Wednesday. Use the link above to access the PowerPoint presentation.

Commercial Homework Practice identifying marketing strategies, due Friday.

Wednesday:  Market Trivia Game

Thursday: Searching Occupations

Friday: Ms. Valeri will be teaching “Making Informed Career Choices”


Blog subscriptions

This post will find its way into all the mailboxes of those who don’t need to hear it.  So disregard it.  My hope is that people we see this post on the blog.  We’ve got about 70 subscribers to our blog.  However, only 35 of them are actually receiving email alerts when things post.  This is because they are UNVERIFIED.  You must respond to an email from FEEDBURNER that you indeed want to subscribe to the blog.  Most of the unverified are students.  (Hint, Hint)