Male Chaperone needed on Field Trip

If any male parents are interested in chaperoning on our Jr High Overnight-er at the Environmental Center on Nov. 20-21 (Thurs-Fri) please email

We could benefit from a having another male join on the trip, perhaps someones father. For chaperon’s to attend, they do need to have had a background check already complete. If anyone if interested please let Ms Jaime know asap. We are just needing one more male adult.   Thank you!

Carpooling to the State Capitol & Trip Info


Attached is the link to sign your child up if you know they will need a ride on this Friday’s Field Trip. A few Certified Drivers have kindly volunteered to take the students from North Shore Aquatic Center (Across from MMA) to the State Capitol then pick up from the SLC Public Library & returned back to North Shore.

Spaces are extremely limited, please sign up quickly. If they become full, team up with other parents. Have one drive there while the other picks up or have your child ask their friends how they are getting there. Maybe they can ride together. If you have any questions you may call Melinda (801) 695-6188

Due to construction, the East Capitol Entrance is temporarily closed. Visitors are encouraged to enter the Capitol through the North doors. The tour will meet in the Hall of Governors on the 1st floor of the Capitol Capitol Visitors Map

What you will need to wear or bring

  • School dress code clothing
  • Athletic shoes
  • Water bottle
  • A sack lunch
  • A backpack with your Capstone materials
  • Several pens and/or pencils

Our Schedule

  • 8:55 a.m SHARP. – Guardians drop students off at the State Capitol. Attendance is taken.
  • 9 a.m. –  We enter the facility. Half of the group will tour the building and the other half meet with local legislators.
  • 10 a.m. – We will switch groups so the group that got the tour will meet with local legislators and the second group will get a tour of the building.
  • 11 a.m. –Walk to the SLC Public Library.
  • 11:30 a.m. –Eat lunch on the lawn of the library.
  • 12 p.m. –Enter the library and split up into groups for librarian presentation.
  • 12:30 p.m. –Independent research
  • 2 p.m. –Guardians pick up students at the SLC Public Library.

Updated Field Trip Schedule

MMA Junior High Field Experience Dates 2014-2015

These are tentative dates & trips & may change depending on scheduling.

  • Oct 22       Skyline Cycle (for Shop Class)
  • Oct 24       State Capitol & SLC Library
  • Nov 5         Smiths (for Business Class)
  • Nov 20-21 Winter Overnight at Environmental Center
  • Dec 12      Natural History Museum
  • Feb 27       Leonardo Museum
  • Mar 11      Farm group A
  • Mar 12      Farm group B
  • Apr TBA   North Ogden Gardens service project
  • Apr 24   ATC Field Trip Tour
  • May 14-15 Farm overnight camping trip??
    • May 14      Farm group A
      May 15      Farm group B

**Dates are subject to change due to unforeseen scheduling and new opportunities become available.

More Permission Slips were passed out today for the State Capitol & the Overnighter at the Environmental Center. Shop Class & Business Classes will be receiving their permission slips soon too. More information about upcoming trips, as well as carpool information will be posted as trips come closer!

Friday at JA Biztown!

As a reminder- this Friday, Oct, 3rd the Jr High will be going to JA Biztown. Please arrange to drop your child off at Ogden Front Runner Station located at 2350 Wall Ave Ogden, Utah 84401 at 7:15 am. The students will be transported by Front Runner. Guardians also need to pick up students at Ogden Front Runner at 2:52pm.

Please do not just assume your child has a ride! If you are unable to take or pickup, please visit the WeJoinIn link so they can get a ride from the school and/or brought back to the school from a few Certified Drivers.   Once the said ‘carload’ is full, that driver will no longer be available. Please give them plenty of notice so that all students can enjoy this experience.

Melinda Montgomery- (801) 695-6188 – []  and Jeanne Smith –  (801) 920-304 can also help you set up your child’s ride.

JA Biztown Field Trip Forms

Permission slips were passed out to all Jr. High students for our upcoming Field Trip to JA Biztown on Oct. 3rd. Permission slips must be returned to Ms. Jaime no later than this Friday Sept. 19th. The students will learn business and economic concepts through simulation to help them understand the economic world.

Please arrange to drop your child off at Ogden Front Runner Station located at 2350 Wall Ave Ogden, Utah 84401 at 7:15 am on Friday, October 3, 2014. The students will be transported by Front Runner. Guardians also need to pick up students at Ogden Front Runner at 2:52pm.

Note: We realize that this is an inconvenient time being so close to elementary dismissal and apologize, but UTA would not let us get back earlier.

Please do not just assume your child has/will get a ride.

Who to contact about carpools.. Melinda Montgomery- (801) 695-6188 – []       Jeanne Smith –  (801) 920-304

*  They will have a WeJoinIn link to utilize certified drivers.   Once the said ‘carload’ is full, that driver will no longer be available. Please give them plenty of notice so that all students can enjoy this experience.

JA Biztown Info    JA Biztown Permission Slip    JA Biztown – Consent Form     JA Biztown – Liability Form

The Farm Permission Slips

Permission Slips for The Farm Field Trip are due by this Thursday, Sept. 4th. Each student received a form specific to the date they are scheduled to attend.

On September 11 and 12 – depending on which group your child will be assigned to attend, we will be participating in a field study to the Holmgren Historic Family Farm (460 N. 300 E. Tremonton, UT 84337). Please make the necessary arrangements to drop your child off at the farm at 9am on the morning your child is assigned, and pick up by 2:30 that afternoon.

Throughout our current Cycle we will have been building our community of learners through hands-on activities and team building work.  This work occupies the normalization period and is an essential part of the Montessori secondary philosophy.  In addition to building a strong community of self-directed learners, the Montessori secondary program acknowledges the adolescent need for meaningful labor and the outdoors.  To accomplish these tasks, we will turn our focus to the Holmgren Historic Family Farm. By learning the history of who has resided on the land, investigating the migration patterns of birds, identifying indigenous plant life, we will reach a deeper understanding of our land and fulfill Maria Montessori’s vision of Erdkinder.

Below is a copy of the packing list.  Please, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to address them with any of the staff.

Packing List:

  • Cold sack lunch
  • Fresh, healthy snack (if needed)
  • Shoes appropriate for walking
  • Jacket and rain gear (if forecasted)
  • Hat- sunscreen
  • Work gloves
  • Water bottle
  • Medication (labeled and given to staff member)

Our Erdkinder farm is a thirty to fourty minute drive.  Please plan for ample time according to your own driving comfort and weather conditions.

We do have some wonderful parents who are Certified Drivers & have volunteered to help arrange some carpool. It is not through the school. Please give them plenty of notice so that all students can enjoy this experience.  Melinda Montgomery- (801) 695-6188 – []              Jeanne Smith –  (801) 920-3045

If you are interested in becoming a Certified Driver please click here.


Schedule Change for The Front field Trip

Dear MMA Junior High Parent,

It has come to my attention (one day too late) that there is a scheduling issue.  Our trip to The Front Climbing Club will not be on Friday.  It will be on Thursday, August 28th.  Everything else is correct.

If you have already signed the numerous, consent forms and already returned them, thank you!  Please sign and have your student sign the Date Change Acknowledgement form.

Attached is also the  The Front Participant and Liability Agreement -Ogden .  Again, please sign both and return them in the time allotted.

You are still expected to either drop-off and pick your student up, or you will need to set up carpool plans. Thank you for sharing your child with us, allowing them to have these adventures, and your patience with me.


Ms. Kevi  (Your fearless/fearful leader)

The Front Field Trip & Student Fees!

Jr High students were sent home with permission slips for our first Field Trip at The Front Climbing Club. This will take place on Thursday, August 28th.

Permission Slip Forms must be returned as quickly as possible (Prior to 3 days of the trip). We are unable to accept permission  slips the day before or the day of the trip. The student will have to stay at the school with another assigned teacher. This will be standard for all field trips throughout the year.

If you need the forms for The Front, you can print them off from the links below. Please make sure every area is signed before it is returned.

The Front Info                                                                                                                                The Front Permission Slip (Sign & Return)                                                                            The Front Consent Form (Sign & Return)                                                                         The Front Liability Form (Sign & Return)                                                                        The Front Participant and Liability Agreement -Ogden (Sign & Return)                      Date Change Acknowledgement  (Sign & Return)

Details: Please arrange to drop your child off at 225 20th Street, Ogden, Utah at 8:50am on Thursday, August 28, 2014. The students will learn some of the skills and techniques of leadership through rock climbing. Each student will receive an orientation to the facility, learn the terminology and about the gear used by climbers and belayers. They will experience the role of climber and supporter. Students learn to support and encourage one another. Parents will be responsible for transportation to and from The Front Climbing Club. Students will need to be picked up at 2:15pm.

We do have some wonderful parents who are Certified Drivers & have volunteered to help arrange some carpool. It is not through the school. Please give them plenty of notice so that all students can enjoy this experience.  Melinda Montgomery- (801) 695-6188 – []              Jeanne Smith –  (801) 920-3045

Please note that all Jr High student fees MUST  be paid to MMA’s front office prior to August 25th in order to participate. Thank you!!

We’re looking forward to this fun experience.

Field Trip Schedule

MMA Junior High Field Experience Dates 2014-2015

These are tentative dates & may change depending on scheduling.

  • Aug 28     The Front
  • Sept 11     Farm group A
  • Sept 12     Farm group B
  • Sept 23     Mentor Class to Emeritus Estates
  • Sept 24     Mentor Class to Emeritus Estates
  • Oct 3         JA Biztown
  • Oct 22       Skyline Cycle for Shop Class
  • Oct 24       State Capitol & SLC Library
  • Nov 5         Smiths for Business Class
  • Nov 20-21 Winter Overnight at Environmental Center
  • Dec 12      Natural History Museum
  • Feb 27       Leonardo Museum
  • Mar 11      Farm group A
  • Mar 12      Farm group B
  • Apr TBA   North Ogden Gardens service project
  • Apr 24   ATC Field Trip Tour
  • May 14-15 Farm overnight camping trip??
    • May 14      Farm group A
      May 15      Farm group B

**Dates are subject to change due to unforeseen scheduling and new opportunities become available.