Team Building

We as a school value the importance of team building and creating a community not only in our school, but in each and every classroom.  Each year brings a new dynamic when we mix new students with the old.  This particular year we have really slowed things down and have revisiting the importance of being a team and working to build community.  This week really started out rough.  We have had several students who have felt left out, had unkind things said to them, etc.  I know we as adults understand how cruel kids can be to each other.  It kills me inside when I see these sort of things happen.  We set work cycle aside Thursday morning and we had some very focused lessons on character building  I read them a story relating to the concept of how we can fill each others buckets.  We verbally talked about what emptying someones bucket looks and feels like and what filling someones bucket looks like.  I then had a small glass bucket with clear stones which was our classroom bucket and students could come to myself or Ms. Lily and tells us when they noticed our classroom bucket was being filled.  They would smile as they would help fill our bucket.  We saw new friendships come together and students being mindful of their actions toward each other.  We also demonstrated, with using fancy pencils, how alone we can break easily, but together, we are strong.   These lessons created a new vocabulary inside our classroom and seems to be working well.  I would encourage all of you to take sometime this weekend and speak with your children about friendships, how they can include others, be mindful of the things they say, and how they feel when they are helping and working together.  I feel strongly that in order for students to succeed academically, we need to also address emotional needs.  It is my goal and deepest wish that we will create an environment  where every student in our classroom feels safe, loved and be able to shine like the star they are.

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