Winter Time

We just wanted to offer a reminder regarding illness this time of year.  It doesn’t take much for the students to spread their germs to one another in a small environment where we are sharing Montessori materials and community supplies.  We ask that students are fever free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medicines, and have not thrown up for 24 hours, before they return back to the classroom.  This allows for us to minimize the spread of illness.

We are also having a significant issue with students arriving late to class.  We start our morning line promptly at 8:30 a.m.  When students arrive late, they are missing out on key lessons and the opportunity to start their day prepared.  The weather this time of year can create additional delays.  We have had a line lesson regarding the importance of arriving on time and helping support our families at home, so we can arrive to school prepared for the day.

Thank you for your continued support.