This post applies primarily to our third graders.  This is the big year when students are introduced to standardized state testing.  Last spring, the state piloted a new test, the SAGE test.  Third grade students are tested on their proficiency in the areas of math, language arts, and writing.  Monday, November 3rd, our third grade students will be taking the SAGE interim exam.  This is currently an optional test according to the State Office of Education, but a great tool to both familiarize the students with the SAGE summative test as well as show growth.  I am excited for this optional and feel that this will be a great way to help students know what to expect, come spring, when they are taking the required SAGE summative test.

In addition to iXL, students will be able to access a program called typing web.  My intention is to create time for each third grade child to use the program during their regular morning work cycle.  My hope is that the use of these two programs will help with an important piece of the SAGE test, digital literacy.  These tests are important, but they are only a piece in the assessment of your child.  We are all unique individuals, who learn differently as well as demonstrate knowledge differently.  We ask you to help your child perform well on these tests by encouraging attendance (make up time for these tests are extremely difficult)  a good nights sleep followed by a hearty breakfast that includes protein can make a great difference come test day. (Hopefully, they will have come down from their Halloween sugar high by Monday morning.)  Thank you for your support.

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