Reading Groups

I wanted to let you know, those of you who have students that attend reading groups with Ms. Lynette, Ms. Kathy and Ms. Jamie, our reading specialists, their groups are coming to an end for the year.  They are gearing up to prepare for end of year reading assessments.  Please know that we will continue to work hard in the classroom, but your child will not be receiving this additional instruction.  I stress the importance of keeping their momentum going and ask that you all make certain you are focusing time outside of the classroom to read aloud with your child.  These habits are so important as we start into the summer months.  Students will often fall behind quickly, if they are not reading regularly during the summer months, especially those students who are still learning how to read.  Once your child reaches a third grade reading level, they are no longer learning to read, but reading to learn.  Our country library has a wonderful summer reading program with lots of incentives to keep students reading over the summer.  Also, if you have a tablet and are interested in purchasing some reading apps, I would be happy to show you the leveled reading books we use in the classroom that are available for tablets.  Thanks for your support and happy reading!

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