Aaahhhh It’s HERE!

I cannot believe summer vacation is coming to an end!  I am so excited to see everyone. I have missed those sweet smiles and dancing eyes so much, and I am looking forward to meeting new smiles in only a few short days.  All 1st graders and new to the school 2nd and 3rd grade students will attend this Friday the 15th from 1:00-1:45 p.m.  Ms. Lily, my assistant, will be out front with a sign.  Please gather with her and she will bring everyone in together.  Please also note that parents will not be coming into the school with your children during the first 6 weeks of school. ( If needed, older students will be available the first few days to help younger students find classes.)  This is all apart of the Montessori normalization period which ends on October 1st.  This is to help students gain independence and confidence.  If you have questions regarding this philosophy feel free to contact me.

The first few days back to school are really busy, with that being said, it would be helpful if school supplies could be dropped off before school starts Monday.  I am at the school all this week, please feel free to stop in and drop them by.  I forgot to include that your child will need a water bottle.  This can be filled throughout the day to minimize the distraction of leaving to visit the water fountain. They will be sent home at the end of the week to be washed and then returned back to school on Monday.

I will be posting a link under wejoin in for snack sign up.  Please choose at least 1 or 2 weeks to provide healthy snacks for our classroom.  The children will prepare the snack as part of their practical life work for the day, please do not precut fruits and such.  These snacks provide the students with the fuel they need to get through their morning work cycle.  Thank you for your help with this.

We also have the school run for the redwoods 5K coming up on September 13th.   This is a great way to have fun and help with the 6th grade fundraiser so, start training.  If you are interested in helping with this fun event please let the front office know and they can provide contact information.

We also have our back to school breakfast this Saturday from 8-10 a.m..  This is a fun way to start the year, come together and help kick off the 6th grade fundraising.

Lastly, I am looking for a room mother, mainly to help organize classroom parties. This is a great way to get in your 40 hours of volunteer work.  Also, if you are interested in coming into the classroom to read with students, please let me know.

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