A Great First Week

We had a wonderful first week.  It was so much fun getting to know all the new faces and hear from our returning friends about their summer adventures.

If your child still needs their inside shoes, will you please have those by the end of this week.  If you need support getting inside shoes, please feel free to email me and I will see what I can do to support you.

We have our first field trip on Friday, September 21st.  We will be heading to Weber State University for a performance entitled  The Magic Lake.  This will take place in the afternoon.  I am looking for parent volunteers to help drive, we will be leaving the school just before noon.  If you are available, please sent me an email as soon as possible.  In the email, please include how many seats you have available.  I will be sending home complete details and permission slips by the end of the week.

I also wanted to see if I have a parent who would be interested and available to be our room parent.  You will help organize a few events throughout the year and help with any additional support for our field trips.

I also wanted to let you know that you can visit our year at a glance here.

Our year at a glance can also be found by looking under pages on our blog homepage.  I will notify you of any additional changes to our year at a glance as we continue on throughout the year.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please let me know.



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