Erdkinder’s Chicks

ChickThis year some of our students have the amazing opportunity to participate in a class called Erdkinder. In this class the students will be hatching and raising chickens. Parents who do NOT want their children touching the chicks will need to sign a form that can be found at Ms. Jessica’s desk in the Yurt. Otherwise we are going to assume that all students can interact with the chickens. The only students feeding or caring for the chickens will be those in Erdkinder. However, we encourage all the students to observe and interact with the chickens.

Call for Zoologists


If you are a student interested going into to field on Zoology you’ll want to attend our upcoming meeting. The meeting will be held on Tuesday September 8th at 8:10 am in the Yurt. You will need to have a signed permission slip to be able to attend the meeting. The permission slips will be at Ms. Jessica’s desk which you can get at any time during the day.If you aren’t sure what a Zoologist is here is a quick definition: A zoologist is someone who studies the behavior, origins, genetics, diseases and life progression of animals and wildlife. There are a variety of ways that a zoologist can specialize and there are many diverse jobs in this field. If this sounds like something you want to be apart of make sure you come to the meeting!