Spanish Books are Due Back!

All SPANISH BOOKS need to be returned directly to Ms Adrienne no later than Thursday, May 21st.  If the books are not in good condition they will have a small fee to pay. If a student has lost theirs, they need to find it before Thursday or they will have to pay a fee to the main office to replace it before the end of school.

Spanish Book

Box Top Store

The Box Top store for this month will be moving to May 19th (11:15 am-12:30 pm) due to the Lower Elementary Bridging Ceremony being held on the 20th. Please feel free to contact the front office if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Events going on at MMA Jr this week…

May 20th-

  • 9:00-10:45am   Capstone Presentation in the Gym. Parents are encouraged to come!
  • 11:00-11:30am   Orchestra Performance in the Yurtable. Parents are invited to come to this as well!
  • This is also the last day to place your FatBoy Ice Cream order!

May 21st-

  • Peer Mentor Students are hosting Kindergarten Field Day

May 22nd-

  • Jr High Field Day (MAPA Olympics)

Original Works

Hello MMA families–

Your child’s Original Works keepsakes (and original art) will be coming home with them today or tomorrow. Please inspect your orders to make sure you got what you ordered and that nothing is broken.

If something is broken, please contact and let her know: 1) the item that needs to be replaced, 2) the order form number (at the top right in red on the order form, which is taped to the back of the art), 3) description of artwork (including vertical or horizontal orientation), and 4) the problem (broken, blurry, wrong orientation, etc).

If you want to buy MORE from your existing order, please contact and let her know: 1) the item(s) you want to order, 2) the order form number (at the top right in red on the order form, which is taped to the back of the art), 3) description of artwork (including vertical or horizontal orientation), and 4) a check payable to MMA for what you’d like to order (please reference the below order form for prices and descriptions).

Order Form

Please contact Rachael by Friday, May 15th no later than 3:00pm for re-orders or fix-it issues.

We are NOT accepting new orders at this time.

Thank you for making this fundraiser so successful! Over $2,000 will be going directly to MMA classrooms!