Maria Montessori Academy
invites you to
Get Down And Dirty With the Montessori Materials
Maria Montessori Academy
Wednesday November 12, 2014
Join us for an evening of getting “down and dirty” with the Montessori materials. We welcome adult friends and neighbors for an opportunity to experience math, language and science, as you never have before! All of our teachers will be here to give lessons and answer questions related to the MMA curriculum.
Try your hand at balancing algebra and using test tube to do long division in a way that will blow your mind. See the transition of the Montessori math materials from preschool through the junior high level and learn about how our beads actually help us understand the square root of numbers! Learn about snake game and how it makes learning negative numbers fun and how we use a checkerboard to teach multiplication!
Watch the progression of the Montessori grammar materials; from common and proper nouns to prepositional phrases. Discover the meaning of etymology and see how it can actually be fun! See why our children LOVE to learn! Participate in hands-on science and social studies lessons that will solidify your understanding of microorganisms, invertebrates, the rock-cycle, electricity and more!
This evening will be an open house event from 6:30-8:30 but we suggest coming early because we know, that just like your children, you won’t want to leave when it’s over. Remember this is an adult-only night for current and future Maria Montessori Academy parents and other adult community members.
We look forward to sharing our passion for education with you and we know that you’ll learn something new!