Reminder: Get Down and Dirty!

Maria Montessori Academy 

invites you to 

Get Down And Dirty With the Montessori Materials

Maria Montessori Academy

Wednesday November 12, 2014


Join us for an evening of getting “down and dirty” with the Montessori materials.  We welcome adult friends and neighbors for an opportunity to experience math, language and science, as you never have before! All of our teachers will be here to give lessons and answer questions related to the MMA curriculum.

Try your hand at balancing algebra and using test tube to do long division in a way that will blow your mind. See the transition of the Montessori math materials from preschool through the junior high level and learn about how our beads actually help us understand the square root of numbers! Learn about snake game and how it makes learning negative numbers fun and how we use a checkerboard  to teach multiplication!

Watch the progression of the Montessori grammar materials; from common and proper nouns to prepositional phrases. Discover the meaning of etymology and see how it can actually be fun! See why our children LOVE to learn! Participate in hands-on science and social studies lessons that will solidify your understanding of microorganisms, invertebrates, the rock-cycle, electricity and more!

This evening will be an open house event from 6:30-8:30 but we suggest coming early because we know, that just like your children, you won’t want to leave when it’s over. Remember this is an adult-only night for current and future Maria Montessori Academy parents and other adult community members.

We look forward to sharing our passion for education with you and we know that you’ll learn something new!

Male Chaperone needed on Field Trip

If any male parents are interested in chaperoning on our Jr High Overnight-er at the Environmental Center on Nov. 20-21 (Thurs-Fri) please email

We could benefit from a having another male join on the trip, perhaps someones father. For chaperon’s to attend, they do need to have had a background check already complete. If anyone if interested please let Ms Jaime know asap. We are just needing one more male adult.   Thank you!

Structure at a Montessori Jr High

This video was filmed at a Montessori Jr. High. This copyright 2009 DVD is from Educational Video Publishing and looks at the Montessori middle school model at two schools: School of the Woods, a private school in Houston Texas and Clark Montessori Junior High School, a public school in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is a great example of what we are envisioning for our Jr High here at MMA!

Junior High Bike Shop Classroom

Thank you to Dale Stoker with Stoker Brothers Construction who got materials for us at cost and donated his time.  The Montgomery family facilitated this project.  Shingles were donated by Rands Roofing, windows where recycled from a previous project of Stoker Brothers Construction.

Way to go!

IMG_1883IMG_1881IMG_1878first picture

Dorian Willes Assemblies

Last week, for Red Ribbon Week, Dorian Willes came & shared his story with us. We were lucky to hear about his life, many struggles, and accomplishments.

Dorian Willes

Thank you for helping to remind us to be Drug Free! We want to wish him well in competing in the ParaOlympic Bobsled team in Calgary!

Come Get Down & Dirty With Montessori

Get Down and Dirty

With the Montessori Materials

Wednesday November 12, 2014

6:30-8:30pm at Maria Montessori Academy

Have you ever wondered why your child is playing with beads all day, what snake game is, or how a checkerboardteaches multiplication? Join us for an evening of getting “down and dirty” with the Montessori materials.  Bring your adult friends and neighbors for an opportunity to experience math, language and science, as you never have before! All of our teachers will be here to give lessons and answer questions related to the MMA curriculum.

Try your hand at balancing algebra and using test tube to do long division in a way that will blow your mind. See the transition of the math materials from preschool through the junior high level and learn about how our beads actually help us understand the square root of numbers!

Watch the progression of the grammar materials; from common and proper nouns to prepositional phrases. Discover the meaning of etymology and see how it can actually be fun! See why our children LOVE to learn! Participate in hands-on science and social studies lessons that will solidify your understanding of microorganisms, invertebrates, the rock-cycle, electricity and more!

This evening will be an open house event from 6:30-8:30 but we suggest coming early because we know, that just like the children, you won’t want to leave when it’s over. Remember this is an adult-only night for MMA parents and other community members.

We look forward to sharing our passion for education with you and we know that you’ll learn something new!

Kacee Weaver, M.Ed.

Curriculum Instructional Specialist

Maria Montessori Academy
