Freshman Reminder


Don’t forget that your intent to go and 50 dollar down payment is due tomorrow Friday Oct. 2nd. Please turn in your intent to go form to Ms. Jessica in the Yurt. You may pay your down payment with a credit card online or with cash or check in the main office.

Thank You!

Certified Drivers

Jr. High Parents,

We will be doing back ground checks during parent teacher conferences for parents who would like to become certified drivers. It will be held on Oct. 13th from 5:30-7. This is a one time cost for the rest of the time your child/children are at the school. It will come to the total of $77.75 which will need to be paid that night. If you are interested in doing this please send Ms. Jessica an email at

Thank you!

Parent Teacher Conferences

Hello MMA Jr. High Parents,

We are excited to announce that parent teacher conferences will be held October 12th, 13th, & 14th. For this conference we will be providing a sign up for individual teachers every 15 minutes. This means that you can sign up for the teachers that you wish to visit with. For some this may mean only visiting with one teacher, for others it may be seeing all teachers. Below are we join in links that you can follow to sign up for which day and time you will be visiting what teacher. If you have any troubles or questions please feel free to contact Ms. Jessica at

Thank You!

Sign Up Link for October Lunch

LunchStudents are able to choose the room they wish to eat their lunch in.  We encourage students to coordinate with friends to select a room that works for them. Once the allocated spaces are filled the sign up will close and another selection will need to be made. Students need to use their own name and can only sign up for one spot. If a student does not follow these guidelines all of their sign ups will be deleted and that student will need to sign up again properly. Take note that certain classrooms have a quiet lunch so if you enjoy a quiet lunch sign up for one of those classrooms.

Get your pictures in the Yearbook!

Dear Parent or Student,

Get your pictures in the yearbook! The Yearbook Staff invites students and parents to submit photos for the yearbook. If you’ve got great photos of school and community events or you and your friends just having fun, we’d like to see them. Our photographers can’t be everywhere. Help us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book everyone will want to have.

Here is how you can submit photos online:
• Go to:
• If it does not automatically log you into the site, enter username: 402723601
• Browse to select the photo(s) you wish to upload.
• Enter information about the photo and provide contact information in case the staff needs additional information.
• Click “Save Details”.

It’s that easy! Submit your photos today! The last day to submit photos is 04/20/2016.

Thank you, and enjoy the rest of the school year!

Yearbook Adviser and the 2016 Yearbook Staff.

The Yearbook Staff will review all photos and determine final yearbook content. We cannot guarantee that all submissions can be used in the book.

Upcoming Dates for Field Trips

Here is a list of upcoming field trips (some may be subject to change):

Sept. 23   A3 Peer Mentor Field Trip to Brookdale (11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) Ms. Fallon & Ms. Jessica (We’ll send out a list of who’s going so they can be dismissed at 10:55 a.m. from 2nd period A day).

Farm Oct 20-21 (parents for rotations) ‘Exploration’ FallonOctober 20 (Houses going Fallon/Jessi/Emily) October 21 (Houses going:Rob/Marie/Kat 

November 5 & 6 Environmental Center Sleep over (⅞)

December 16th PTC Theater Matinee (Ms. Lisa)

November  Natural History Museum ( Mr. Rob)

Jan 20th & 21st 2nd Farm Visit

Feb. 3rd STEM all 7th only South Towne Expo Center  (Ms. Emily)

Overnight Farm the week of May 8-13 for 7th & 8th only (Ms. Jessi)

Fish Farm 9th Grade only Biology – (Ms. Rob)

April/May ATC visit 7th only

May 11th & 12th 7th and 8th grade Farm sleepover

Freshman Trip May 8-13

Reminder: Freshman Parent Meeting

As a reminder there is a meeting this Thursday September 17th at 6:30 pm in the Yurt for all Freshman parents. This meeting is for parents who’s students plan to attend the Freshman trip this school year. We will be covering the cost of the trip, what your student will be participating in, etc. Please come with all questions you have, we would love to answer them for you. Your student should have come home with an intent to go form and a frequently asked questions page from the student meeting. You may also reference these documents with questions you have. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

Freshman Trip Payment

Hello MMA Freshman,

Attached is a link that you can follow to pay for the freshman trip online with a credit card. If you wish to pay with a check or cash you can bring that money to the main office. As a reminder the down payment of $50 is due October 2nd. The rest of the money to the amount of $350 will be due November 20th. This adds up to the total of the trip which is $400.