Utah Refugee Service Project

The Jr. High is organizing a service project to help Utah refugees. We will be collecting hygiene products in order to make kits to be donated. Below is a list of items we will be collecting, you can start bringing items to the Yurt after Spring Break.

Hygiene Kit Items:

  • hand soap
  • toilet paper
  • toothpaste
  • toothbrushes
  • dish and laundry soap
  • shampoo & conditioner
  • lotions
  • diapers & wipes
  • Sanitary napkins (pads)
  • deodorant

Spring/ 9th Grade Graduation Pictures

Spring pictures will be taken on Tuesday April 12th in the gym. If you have not received an order form you may pick one up at Ms. Jessica’s desk in the Yurt. If you would like to order pictures please return the order form on picture day.

Graduation pictures will be taken on Wednesday April 20th in the gym. Order forms are available at Ms. Jessica’s desk, please return them on April 20th if you would like to purchase pictures.

Advisory – Celebrate Literacy Week

It’s literacy week!  We’ve got activities everyday to celebrate!

literacy tree

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday  Friday
Mar 28-April 1 Force- Door Decorating Contest for Literacy Week Respect –Musical Chairs/Books Collaboration-
Instinct-Students walk around to look at doors to vote for winner. Paint rocks for labyrinth. Read-a-thonBring your pillows & blankies

8th Grade Parent and Student Night

8th grade students and parents are asked to attend a meeting on the night of March 23rd at 6:00 pm to discuss next year’s Freshman Field Trip. The much anticipated location reveal will be made at this meeting. Also valuable information will be presented that you don’t want to miss.

MMA Family Literacy Night

MMA Family Literacy Night! “May the Reading Force Be With You!”

Thursday March 31st

Maria Montessori Academy Students and Families are invited to Maria Montessori Academy’s inaugural Family Literacy Night! This will be a time for families to explore reading and writing with fun activities and games.
Activities will include;
Reader’s Theater Performances
Found Poetry
Story retelling crafts
Creating bookmarks
Local Author Q&A sessions

Sign up HERE!


Buy Your Gala Tickets! MAPA will be selling Gala tickets for $25 before and after school on the following dates: Friday, March 4th Friday, March 11th and Monday-Thursday, March 14th -17th. You can also purchase them online at: https://squareup.com/market/m apa/gala-attendee-ticket . If you are purchasing your tickets online be sure to note your meal choice if you are vegetarian in the notes section provided on the payment page. Tickets purchased the night of the Gala at the door will be $30. The Gala will be held on Friday March 18th from 5:00-9:00 pm.

April Lunch Sign Up

lunchPlease sign up for which room you would like to eat lunch in for the month of APRIL. We encourage students to coordinate with friends to select a room that works for them. Please do not sign up more than once, if you do all of your names will be deleted. Also make sure that you sign up with your correct name, all other names will be deleted. The sign up will close on April 1st, students who do sign up for a room will be assigned one by Ms. Jessica.