Fall Festival Profit–Thank you all!

A HUGE Thank You to Julie Zeigler and her committee for putting on the Fall Festival yesterday! It was great fun, the children had a blast, and it was wonderful seeing so many people supportive of MAPA and MMA. Here is a note from Julie Zeigler re: profit.


Beautiful afternoon and wonderful turnout of MMA families and friends! It looks like we made just about $3600 this year (double last year’s festival) and of that, approximately $1400 from the Silent Auction. Thank you to Julie Simmons who helped coordinate this year, all of the room parents who organized the games and beautiful auction basket donations, and the many parents who volunteered time to make yesterday a great success. Our tally doesn’t include 6th grade food sales or the 7th grade haunted house but based on their comments and the lines I assume they did great! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! –Julie Zeigler


As was voted on, MAPA agreed to fund mini grants for each teacher as well as field trips. To teachers who follow this blog, I encourage you to submit your proposals. To date, the MAPA Board has not received any. You may submit your proposals to mapa@mariamontessoriacademy.org. The MAPA Board will review them and a member of the board will be in touch with you.

Thank you all again MMA families, students who spent their allowance money, and staff for supporting MAPA. The money we raise goes right to MMA!


Fall Festival Shout Out

Dear MMA Parents,

I apologize for not staying on top of the blog. Here is a request for help from our Fall Festival Committee Chair. If you can help, please email mapa@mariamontessoriacademy.org. I receive these emails immediately by smartphone (and will see what I can do about the settings on the blog to alert me via email when replies come in) and can get in touch with Julie Z. as soon as I get it. Thank you for all that you do.–Dore Elmer


Fall Festival is upon us! Can’t wait – it should be a great time.

I am in need of a few additional volunteers on Saturday. I contacted my wristband sales people very last minute. I would like to have a few additional people lined up in case they cannot help.

Also, I would like to have a couple of parents who are willing to help supervise the bounce houses. This one I just flat out forgot about. We need parents to help regulate the number of children using the bounce houses at one time.

If you will help on Saturday please. 30 min – 60 minute shifts. Thanks!

MAPA Meeting Friday, Oct 11

Reminder: MAPA meeting is on Friday. In order to accommodate the schedules of all the MAPA board members, we’ve decided to hold our morning meetings at 8:45. It will be in the conference room again due to scheduling conflict. Committee chairs, please be prepared to report or send your report to me via email (deelady73@gmail.com). I’ve attached the agenda for your review. –Dore

MAPA Meeting Agenda Oct

Fall Festival Wristbands on Sale Now!

Dear MMA Families,

The Fall Festival Wristands are on sale online.

What is Fall Festival?

It is a family friendly event at the school where children get to wear their Halloween costumes (no masks, please) and jump on the bounce houses, play games for prizes, be spooked in a haunted house (additional cost for the haunted house), and much more. There will be silent auction items available for bid. Take a chance winning an entertainment basket or a winter basket!

General Admission via a wrist band is $5. If you wait to buy them at the Fall Festival, the price is $6. Get your wristbands now!


Note: The general admission includes the bounce houses, games, and crafts. The haunted house, food, photo booth, and hayride (the hayride is not a sure thing, we’re still working out the details) will cost extra.

Thank you for supporting MAPA!

Fall Festival Announcement

Fall Festival wristbands will be sold at the MAPA General Meeting tomorrow night. We’re selling them $5 per wristband in advance, $6 at the door.

More details about future sale dates are forthcoming.

As for tomorrow night, a member of the Fall Festival Committee will be there selling them. Cash only, $5.

Thank you for supporting our school!


MAPA General Meeting is tomorrow!

Don’t forget, our meeting is tomorrow at 6:00 and it is pot luck. Those with last names beginning with: A-H bring dessert, I-Q: main dish, R-Z side dish/salad. It looks like the meeting will be held in the gym as rain is forecasted for tomorrow. You may still want to bring something to sit on. We’ll have tables set up for the food buffet. We plan on having everyone making their plate before the meeting and we will conduct business while you are eating.

The meeting itself will be short. Ms. Stephanie has some materials to hand out to families. MAPA will have a handout that will contain our brief meeting agenda and budget on which we need to vote. You’ll be introduced to key members of MAPA, too.

Academica West will be there to conduct fingerprinting for background checks. These background checks are needed in order to be a driver for field trips for the school. The wejoinin signup is now full. If you are still interested in having this done, please contact the front office.

There will also be a table set up with a couple of laptops either in the hallway or library. These laptops will contain a power point presentation with a full description of what MAPA is, what we do, our annual goals, our fundraisers, and how we plan to achieve our goals. A member of the MAPA board will be there to answer any questions you have. This is a great opportunity for new families to have a sit down and see what all we do for the school.

Thank you all for your support, and we look forward to seeing you and your children tomorrow evening!

MAPA General Meeting

Hi all,

The MAPA General Meeting is just around the corner, to be held on September 25th, 6-8 in the evening. It is a pot luck and is a family-friendly event. The food assignments are: A-H: dessert, I-Q: main dish, R-Z: salad or side dish. Bring a blanket to sit on or chairs as this event will be outdoors, weather permitting. Academica West will be onsite to fingerprint for background checks.  These checks are for folks interested in being field trip drivers. The cost is $60 for a six year period. Please consider doing this as we are in need of drivers and this is a fun way to fulfill your 40 volunteer hours.

The agenda for the meeting is still being worked out, but plan on a brief meeting with handouts for you to take home and look over at your leisure. This evening is going to be a great time to socialize and get to know your MAPA Officers and Committee Chairs.

Hope to see you there!

A Reminder from the Safety Committee

Dear Parents,

Just a friendly reminder about the drop off/ pick up procedure.  If you do not wish to enter the school parking lot,  you may drop your student off across the street in the pool parking lot, and the crossing guards will help them cross the street.  Please do not stop or park in the red zones.  It creates a blind spot and other drivers cannot see the children crossing.  We worked closely with North Ogden Police Department in creating these zones because your child’s safety is our number one concern. N.O.P.D. patrols the area frequently and we would hate for anyone to be ticketed.

Also, please be courteous to our crossing guards. We have some great staff and parent volunteers who are there every morning to ensure our kids arrive safely.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


MAPA Safety Committee