Come be “In The Know”

Do you ever wonder what is going on at Maria Montessori Academy?  Are you wondering how you can get to know your child’s teachers and friends?  Then come get in the know!

MAPA is having it’s first meeting for the school year, and you won’t want to miss it.  Come and learn all the many ways you can get your required volunteer hours in.  (Trust me, there are ways for any parent with any crazy schedule to help.)  Get to know others in our MMA community and have an opportunity to offer your own ideas to create an environment at our school that any family could envy being a part of.

We would love to see you there, and are excited to meet with friends new and old.  Conveniently timed after drop off at 8:45 am this Friday 9/1/17 in the Conference Room at MMA.

Welcome Back MMA families!

Hello MMA families! It’s that time again! Plans for rocking this school year are being put in place and you’re going to LOVE what’s on the calendar! MAPA is so grateful for your selfless volunteerism and can’t thank you enough for helping to build lasting memories for our children and endless appreciation for our teachers!

Be sure to stop by our table at the pool party next week (Aug 15th at 7pm) to get your first choice of where to rack up your 40 volunteer hours!

Ready to plug in hours now?! You can either (1) Help with our Teacher Appreciation Breakfast this Monday Aug 14th at 8am (you can even sneak a piece of bacon, we won’t tell!) by signing up at or (2) Yield the power to stop traffic as a crossing guard by signing up at (We’re needing 2 a day!)

We can’t wait to see you all! Now go enjoy the rest of your summer!

You haven’t bought your tickets yet?!

You haven’t bought your tickets yet?!

If you have never been to a Gala beforeHoooo

let me fill you in. It is a PARTY! A night

to let loose and have fun! We eat. We mingle. We dance. 

You have the opportunity to bid on the

beautiful artwork your students have been

working on. It is our biggest fundraiser of

the year!

If you buy your tickets

before the 10th

you will be entered to WIN 4 season passes

to Lagoon!

Buy tickets at

Any questions please feel free to email

us at



The Gala is approaching and many of you know that we have baskets at the Gala full of goodies for our silent auction.

If you have any baskets laying around your house that you don’t need anymore, we would love to have them!

Each teacher has a themed basket that they are collecting items for. If you haven’t received an email and would like to donate an item or money for the basket please contact your room mom or teacher.

This Gala is going to be SO FUN! Thank you for all of your help.



2017 Gala

Get your tickets to the Gala!

Our 7th Annual Gala will be held March 25, 2017 at the Timbermine Steakhouse. Please join us for a night of dinner, dancing, and generosity. The Gala is MAPA’s biggest fundraiser. Over the past few years we have helped fund classroom grants, computers, PE and playground equipment, and our new flashing crosswalk signs. We cannot do it without your help.

Your ticket includes entry, dinner (choice of steak, teriyaki chicken, salmon, or roasted vegetables), dessert, punch, and entertainment. If you order your tickets by March 10, you will receive special pricing and be entered to win a 4 pack of Lagoon season passports (valued at over $400).

The theme is The Gold Rush. Dressing up is not required but encouraged.

Dust off your boots and grab your hat! Let’s raise some money for MMA!

Buy tickets at

Any questions please feel free to email us at or

Gala Invite_Final

In Case You Missed It • MAPA Meeting 12/2/16 Notes


Ok. Who here feels like a bad mom, or dad at least once a day? Show of hands…. Well, we started out the MAPA meeting with a most amazing “Bad Moms” quote from the lovely Kate.  It was perfect timing for it too because I was a “Bad Mom” today. I managed to make it to the MAPA meeting, but…. I forgot my poor daughters lunch!!! Yep! It happened.

Well, lets get down to business shall we? Here are the notes from the meeting.

In Case You Missed It • MAPA Meeting 12/2/16

We took a vote and we are no longer going to have night meetings. 

These are the dates for the upcoming morning meetings.  They will all begin at 8:45 am.

• December 7 (Gala meeting) • January 6 • February 3 • March 3 • April 14 • May 4

If you hold a committee chair it is very important that you make it to our meetings. If you cannot make it please send Autumn your updates 24 hours before the meeting.

We received two donations for our school today!!

One was a $500 donation from Exxon Mobil. A parent was kind enough to use her work donation allowance for our school. Thank you! Thank you!

The other was $500 from Besst Realty Group for our participation in their food drive. Thank you to all that brought in food.

Our Gratitude Feast turned out so good! Thank you for everyone that helped. The soups and salads were a huge hit!


We have a location for the Gala. It will be at Timbermine. We are making it a themed event. It is going to be so much fun!!!

I don’t think I’m going to fill you in on the theme just yet. TORTURE!!! Save the dates and invites will be coming out soon. Come to the Gala meeting on December 7th at 8:45am if the suspense is killing you. (Insert evil laugh) Muhhahaha

If you would like to help with the Gala please call Felicia (801)920-6361

Upcoming Events:

• December 7 – Gala Meeting 8:45 am

• December 8 – Elementary Holiday Concert                                                               Students A-K 6 to 7pm          Students L-Z  7 to 8 pm

• December 9 – Early Out

• December 15th – Jr High Holiday Concert 7 pm

• December 19-20 International Festival

DAT would like to do a display of different holiday cultures during the International Festival. Please let us know if you would like to help with this.

• December 20 – Box Tops Store

It will be from 11:00 to 12:30 since the Festival will also be happening this day.

• January 6 – MAPA Meeting 8:45 am

• January 24 – Skate Night


Thanks for all you do!!






October.. It’s a wrap!

What is MAPA? We are parents. We are supporters. We are fundraisers. We are a community. We are volunteers. 

We are THANKFUL. img_9557-copy

We want to thank everyone who came to our Fall Festival. We had an amazing turnout and raised almost $3000 for our school!

These fundraisers that we do throughout the year bring very important funds to our school. It also keeps our kids from having to sell coupon books etc. We have a couple fundraisers coming up that we would love your help with. Please watch for the sign up sheets.

We are participating in the Besst Realty Group food drive, and we have the opportunity to earn some money for our school. Our school needs to collect at least 500 items by November 9th to get the prize money and get our Dress Down Day from Ms. Stephanie.  Please bring your non-perishable food to the lobby during school hours.

Our annual Chili Cook-off is coming up! Please sign-up on the WeJoinIn link below. There will be a great prize for the first place winner! This evening is always filled with good food, good fun, and a lot of chili, so don’t miss out!

This year’s Gratitude Feast will be on November 17th and is going to be a little different this year. We will be serving soups, sandwiches, and desserts. If you would like to help out please watch for the sign up sheet coming out soon.

Plans for our 7th annual Gala are now underway. If you have not attended our Gala before, it is a fun adults-only night of dinner, dancing, auctions, and more. The highlight of the evening is our live auction where we auction off beautiful artwork made by our very own students. Our auctioneer is very entertaining and you are sure to have a great time just watching it.

The Gala is a very important night as it serves as MAPA’s main fundraiser and helps fund fun activities such as skate night and our Fall Festival.

Our main goal however is to provide MMA with a yearly gift of $10,000 or more. That money has been used in previous years to purchase things like computers, playground and PE equipment and our brand new flashing crosswalk signs. This year our goal is to make $15,000 to purchase a new MMA sign and marquee, and with any money left over we would like to give our teachers more storage in their classrooms.

The Gala is a huge event and it takes many people to make it happen. We need you. We are looking for volunteers to help plan the event, solicit donations from the community, package donations for our silent auction, artwork preparation and much more. It is a great way to earn your 40 hours of service. If you would like to help, sign up at this link If you signed up at our back to school pool party, please sign up again.

If you are a business owner and wish to donate to our silent auction please use this sheet as well. If you have any questions you can contact our Gala Chairperson Felicia Fernandez at 801-920-6361 or MAPA President Autumn Douglas at 801-458-1590

Thank you,

Volunteers needed • Week of Oct 17-21


Thank you to everyone that helped make the Fall Festival a success!

We had a terrific turnout! 

If you are a curious little cat like myself, be sure to check our blog next week. I will post  the profit made from our fundraiser.

It’s fun to see how your hard work pays off.

This week is a busy one.

Parent Teacher Conferences • Box Tops Store • Book Fair

We still need a couple people to help out with the Book Fair this week. Please help us fill these slots so we can stay open the whole time.

  • Box Tops Store is on Tuesday. If you can help with this please call Rachel Bush ~ 801-390-8624
  • We need a crossing guard on Friday mornings. Please call Tristan if you are able to help out. Tristan Hart ~ 970-531-7058

A note from the Teacher Appreciation Committee

Thank you so much for the support for our teacher appreciation dinners!! Many hands make light work and the teachers are so grateful!

Just a reminder to have your food items at the school early, by 3:30 would be so helpful. You can put them on the table in the teacher breakroom if you drop off during school. Or if it’s after school you can place them in the South Kiva kitchen area. Make sure you label your items clearly so people know it’s for Parent Teacher Conference dinner. 

Also, if you want your bowls, serving spoons, etc back label them clearly. We’ll rinse them out and you can pick them up in the South Kiva or the teacher breakroom.

If you have any questions or if you have something unforeseen come up, please let us know so we can make sure we have everything we need.

Thank you again!

Jennifer will be covering Monday 801-814-9585
Ronnie will be covering Tuesday & Wednesday 801-390-4371