MMA Annual 5K Family Color Fun Run

Mark you calendars for September 17 and join us for our annual 5K. We have lots of exciting changes this year such as a new route, DJ, Photo Booth and so much more! You can sign up at or if you prefer to pay by check, you can sign up at the pool party (no cash accepted).  Our annual Pancake Breakfast will be held following the race.  Hope to see you there!

9th Grade Fat Boy Fundraiser

Fatboy Ice Cream Sandwiches Fundraiser

Proceeds will benefit the 9th Grade Field Trip Fund

Starting May 10th we will be selling Fatboy Ice Cream Sandwiches and Fatboy Nut Sundaes for $25.00 a box. Each box contains 30 delicious Ice Cream treats.

This is a pre-sale fundraiser, which means you will need to collect the money up front.

All checks should be made payable to: MMA Jr. High

All order forms and money collected will need to be returned to the school no later than May 19th. We will have a table set up in the North Shore Parking lot before and after school on May 19th for parents or Students to turn their order sheets in at.

Orders will be ready for pick up May 26th the last day of school in the North Shore Parking lot beginning at 12:45 p.m. Once you pick up your order it will need to be delivered or placed in a freezer within 45 minutes. If you have a cooler to bring to help keep your ice cream cold it will extend your delivery time.


What: Fatboy Ice Cream Sandwiches and Fatboy Nut Sundaes.

How much: $25.00 for a box of 30

Selling Period: May 10th thru May 19th.

Who should I sell to: Family, Friends, Neighbors, Parents Co-workers, Church group members.

Delivery Date: May 26th at 12:45 p.m. North Shore Parking Lot.

Powder Mountain and Gala

Powder Mountain ski day or night is next week on Thursday, March 24th. Registration is Monday and Tuesday the 21st and 22nd after school. Price is $35 for ticket, rental, and lesson. (Price includes day or night) $29 for a day pass and $15 for the night pass. However, they need a head count for lessons before Friday. IF YOU NEED A LESSON PLEASE EMAIL MELINDA AND LET ME KNOW HOW MANY AND NAMES. We can take care of paperwork and payment Monday or Tuesday. Thanks!

Time is running out to buy your GALA tickets! The Gala is this Friday, March 18th at Hub 801 in Riverdale 5pm til 9pm! This is an event we look forward to all year! Tickets are $25 or $30 at the door. There are over 60 amazing items being silent auctioned like sport packages, a night out and much more! You won’t want to miss the live auction! We will be auctioning off children’s art made by your beautiful children at MMA. Not to mention Disneyland tickets and a chance to win a cozy electric fireplace. ALL proceeds go to benefit the school. This year, the money will go towards flashing crosswalk signs.
Look for us after school or order online at

MAPA Meeting and Gala


Just a reminder that our monthly MAPA meeting will be this Thursday at 7pm. Please join us to learn more about  upcoming events.

The Gala is almost here! You don’t want to miss this adult only event to raise money for our school! Set your calendars for March 18th 5pm til 9pm at Hub 801 in Riverdale. Ticket prices are $25 or $30 at the door. We will be selling tickets before and after school March 4th,11th and 14th -17th. You can also purchase your tickets online

Tickets sold at the door may not have the vegetarian meal option.

MMA Ski Night!

We have been working with the local resorts and are excited to announce our 2016 ski night dates!

Tuesday, Feb 23rd at Nordic Valley @ 4pm. $12.50 for pass, $28.50 pass and rental, $48.50 pass, rental and lesson.

Thursday, March 24th at Powder Mountain. $15 pass or $35 pass, rental, and lesson. There is also a shuttle available at Eden Park and Ride for $2 per person.

Registration for both ski nights will be during PTC February 9-11 from 1pm-6pm. Other registration dates TBA.

You can pay with cash, check, or Credit Card (fees apply).

MAPA meeting this Thursday at 7pm

Hello Friends! Our monthly MAPA meeting will be held this Thursday December 7, 2016 at 7 pm. Please join us for information about upcoming events such as ski night, skate night, and our 6th annual Gala! Committee.   Chairs please attend or email a committee update to Melinda Montgomery no later than Thursday morning so we can update our agenda. Hope to see you there!



Save The Date

2016 MMA Gala SaveTheDate

You’ll want to be sure to mark your calendar for the Gala on March 18, 2016.  You don’t want to miss this amazing evening of celebration and generosity to benefit Maria Montessori Academy students.

Last Day To Order Yearbooks is TODAY for EARLYBIRD Pricing

Just one last reminder. Today is the last day to order yearbooks for your kids at the early bird pricing. Save $5 and order them personalized too. The yearbook cover is completed, the photos from LIFETOUCH have been submitted and the yearbook class is having a good time. There will be class photos in the yearbook like last year (not a composite) and I will be taking the photos of the classrooms in the next few weeks. Also 9th graders get an opportunity to have me take their individual photo for free for the yearbook instead of having to use LIFETOUCHs photo. We are working very hard to ensure every child will want a yearbook of their own to have friends sign and will cherish for years to come and show to their families just as we all have. We are a proud school and we hope this yearbook reflects all we are.  Thank you for ordering yearbooks.

Order yearbooks by following below:
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Enter your pay code 78444 and click next
Step 3: Use the drop-down boxes to select your child’s House teacher.
Step 4: Choose either a standard yearbook or a personalized yearbook (this option will print your child’s name and up to 4 icons on the front cover
Parent Payment
Also we will be needing a lot more images. If you have photos from field trips, holiday dinners, major events like red ribbon week, chili cook off, 5K or pancake breakfast please UPLOAD them using these instructions.

Here is how you can submit photos online:
• Go to:
• If it does not automatically log you into the site, enter username: 402723601
• Browse to select the photo(s) you wish to upload.
• Enter information about the photo and provide contact information in case the staff needs additional information.
• Click “Save Details”.

I have friends trying to email photos to me when you could be uploading to the yearbook instead.

For any questions about the yearbook or if you think you ordered and need me to check please email me at with subject title: yearbook.

Thank you for all of your continued support, it is noticed and appreciated. Xoxxo Teara