2018-2019 MAPA board

GREAT NEWS!! We have candidates for the  MAPA Board next year! They will be voted in at our May 3rd Spring General MAPA Meeting. If we hear of any other parents wanting to be candidates, we will hold a vote at the meeting as well.

-President- Angela Voraotsady
-Vice President- Natalie Monsen
-Treasurer- Shauna Guthrie
-Secretary- Ashley Carlson

The 2018-2019 MAPA Board needs your help! We are in need of Chairs and Co-Chairs for the following committees:

GALA Chair & Co-Chair- These people would plan & execute the schools annual Gala.

Safety Committee Chair & Co Chair- These people would be responsible for finding morning crossing guards/ plan and execute red ribbon week & make sure the safety bags in classrooms are up to date.

Events chair & Co Chair- These people would plan and execute the Fall Festival/Gratitude Feast & Field Day.

Room Parent Chair- This person would be responsible for finding room parents for the teachers & communicating to the room parents when there is a need from them from the board.

Book Fair Co Chair- This person would assist Jamie Lopez in running the book fairs during PTC.

We want these wonderful events and opportunities to continue to happen for our school and students, so keep your eyes and ears open for someone who would do a great job!

Thank you!


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