Please come and have a “rolling” good time!
We are off to a great start for the year with our September meetings. Thank you to all you lovely parents who took the time to come out. We love your input and ideas! Our next meeting will be held October 6 at 8:45 am. For those of you who weren’t able to make it out in September, here’s a brief run down of what went down.
Last years MAPA donation to the school is going to be used to equip the new Junior High with items that were not in the budget such as bleachers and a sound system for the gymnasium.
A big thank you to all who were willing to chair a committee this year! We are still in need of several room parents. If you are interested please check with Rosie Alexander or your students teacher.
The original works fund raiser is in full swing. Students are submitting their works this week, and ordering information will be sent out to the parents in the future. This fundraiser goes directly to each students classroom and your students teacher gets to use the funds for classroom needs. (Miss Rachael will need help in December sorting all the art. It’s a great way to get some volunteer hours in!)
Our first book fair of the year and Fall Festival will be coming up in October. If you would like to volunteer to help or find out more please come to our next MAPA meeting.
Thank you for all the support that has been offered so far this year!