Our MAPA meeting for December will be in the morning. Mark your calendars for Friday, December 5th at 8:45am in the Conference room. Everyone is welcome!
Box Top Store is December 16th! Have your child bring clipped, un-expired box tops to the Box Top Store to “buy” lots of fun things!
Just a reminder:
It’s time to re-enroll for Smith’s Community Rewards!! Smith’s Community Rewards makes fundraising easy…all you have to do is shop at Smith’s and swipe your rewards card! There is no cost to enroll, and enrollment will not effect your fuel points or coupon discounts. Just visit www.smithsfoodanddrug.com and click on the community tab. Follow the instructions from there! It’s that easy!
Gala is just around the corner! Saturday, March 21st. The Gala committee is working hard to make this the best Gala ever! Tickets will go on sale at the beginning of the new year. More information to come soon!