Farm Overnight-er Permission Slips

We are taking our last Field Trip to Holmgren Historic Farm on May 14-15 (Thurs-Fri). It will be an overnight-er. The Permission Slips were passed out today. Please have these returned to Ms Jaime no later than Thursday May 7th if you plan to attend. If you lost one, you can print the Permission Slip, Liability & Consent Forms from the bottom of this post.

This is our last Field trip this school year!

Students will need to bring their own sack lunch for May 14th, a prepared tinfoil dinner for May 14th (we will cook them that evening), and a breakfast that will not require cooking for May 15th. If you want to bring a hiking stove to cook your own breakfast that’s fine. You are also welcome to bring things for smores including the roasting stick! LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED ON FRIDAY.

We are looking forward to this end of year overnight-er experience! If any parents would like to come help chaperon please email Ms Jaime by Friday May 8th.

Parents are responsible for transportation to & from the Farm. We do have a limited number of certified drivers that may be able to help (gas money is appreciated). If you need a ride for your child there will be a blog post about that soon.They fill up fast, so if they are full ask around to see how your friends are getting there or if they have room.

Cover Letter

Permission Slip   Consent Form   Liability Form

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