Spelling words

List 1: drink, pink, link, mink, sink, wink

List 2: sparkler, hornet, shorter, otter, yurt, walnut, strawberry, flower, foil

List 3: beautiful, wonderful, cautious, strange, curious, bright, busy, furry, awesome, huge, silly, heavy, difficult, shiny, juicy

No list 4 this week due to SAGE testing for 3rd graders.  The SAGE Math test for our third graders is Wednesday morning.


Upcoming events and spelling words

Dear Parents,

The following is a list of upcoming events and activities:

April 26–Field trip to the movie “Born in China”

April 27–School choir concert

May 3–SAGE math test for 3rd graders

May 12-19–South America home project due.–details below

May 15–SAGE Language test for 3rd graders

May 18–3rd grade party.  (A Wejoin will be sent out soon for 3rd grade parent volunteers)

May 19–Field day!

May 22-24–Parent Teacher Conferences

May 24–3rd grade Bridging Ceremony at 11:30.  Parents of 3rd graders are invited to attend.

May 26–Last Day of School!

South America Home project details: 

We have been learning about South America this semester.   Each student will research and explore a country from South America and find a creative way to share what they have learned.  This project is similar to the one they did for International Festival.  They can include pictures, artifacts, clothing, music, and food from their country. The following is a list of students and which country they are researching.

Argentina—Eli, Allie

Bolivia—Maddy, Rigel

Brazil—Luna, Marcus

Chile—Alejandro, Cyan

Colombia—Pranet, Taylor K.P.

Ecuador—Morgan, Emma

Guyana—Gage, Brighton

Paraguay—Evan, Donovan

Peru—Daxton, Jaicee

Suriname—Xienna, Auston

Uruguay—Christine, Denver

Venezuela—Lucas, Kalie

Falkland Islands—Halee, Taylor K.

French Guiana—Brody, Graysha

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands–Christian

Spelling words for next week:

List 1: match, scratch, stretch, hatchet, kitchen, catch, hitch, latch

List 2: clown, owl, brown, cow, mouth, spout, cloud, hound

List 3: restful, restless, careful, careless, helpful, painful, painless, hopeful, joyful, finally, quietly, happily, quickly, friendly, sadly

List 4: convince, prepare, observe, enter, support, consider, compare, remain, spoke, exercise, separate, continue, charge, empty, repeat


Spring Choir Concert

Message below from Ms. Connie:

Spring Choir Concert

We are so excited to present to you the MMA Spring Choir Concert!  All of the students at MMA, 1st-6th level are performing at the MMA Gym on April 27th.  Mark your calendars!  It is not required that they come but highly encouraged.  All family members are invited to attend!   Kindergartners can stand up with the children, but I have not rehearsed these particular songs with them.   We have been working so hard to put this show on for you.  We’re going to have a great time!

Because the student body is so large we need to separate the school by last name to perform at different times:

All the students whose last name begins with M-Z will perform at 6 o’clock and need to arrive by 5:50pm to get into their places.

All the students whose last name begins with A-L perform at 7 o’clock and need to arrive at 6:50 to get into place.

This is slightly different from last year.  The honor choir will  also need to come at 5:45 and stay till 8pm for both performances.

The concert only lasts about 35 minutes.  Please only come to your allotted time.  If you have multiple children with different last names with different scheduled times please just choose one to attend.   There is not room to stay to see the other performance.  There are a lot of people that need to fit into the gym.  Please be mindful of the limits on space.  These performances are packed!  Strollers, or extra space takers are encouraged to be left home if possible.  The children will need to line up on the wall, therefore, we will request that the side walls be free from those that would like to stand.  Please stand in the back and not on the sides.   Please exit the performance quickly out the south gym doors to make room for the others that are coming in for the next performance. There will be signs indicating the flow of traffic.

Because this is a concert, I am requesting best dress for the performers. The attire does not have to be according to the schools dress code, just appropriate for the occasion.  You could dress them in beautiful dresses with covered shoulders and tights or leggings, or collared button up shirts with neck ties and slacks, or the cleanest and best clothes you have.    No costumes please.  This makes it a really special event!


The MMA Art show is being displayed in the Library that same night!  After your student performs, your family can gather in the library to view the art from the school.  There will be light refreshments!

If you have any questions about the concert you are welcome to email me at:     cstarks@mariamontessoriacademy.org    If you have any questions about the art show you are welcome to email Mrs. Trudy at:    tmalan@mariamontessoriacademy.org

We are looking forward to performing for you.  We hope we will see you there!

Thank You for the wonderful experience of teaching your children music!


Mrs. Connie Starks, Elementary Music Specialist

Upcoming events and spelling words


SAGE testing schedule for 3rd graders:

April 20th: Writing test

May 3rd: Math test

May 15th: Language test

Field trips:

April 12th:  Treehouse Museum

April 26th:  “Born in China” at the Junction Megaplex theater (forms will come home the week after spring break)


April 14:  3rd grade science projects with Ms. Kaley

There will be no other required projects this month.

Spelling Words:

List 1: brush, dish, trash, fish, radish, ship, shrimp, splash

List 2: yawn, hawk, crawl, claw, ball, salt, small, wall

List 3: circle, birthday, girl, squirt, shirt, first, third, stir, dirty, swirl, thirty, thirsty, skirt, circus, thirteen

List 4: believe, receipt, seize, either, eighteenth, relieve, exceed, achieve, grief, yield, succeed, grieve, achievement, deceive, eighth




March Projects and Spelling words

Dear Parents,

Each student has been assigned a specific topic related to Zoology for the month of March.  First graders have been assigned a vertebrate.  Second graders have been assigned a body system.  Third graders have been assigned an invertebrate. Projects are due the week of March 21 (There is no school for students on Mar. 20).   I will be sending a schedule next week of when each child will be presenting.  If your child  is ready next week I will allow them to present it early.

Dates to remember:

March 17--School dismissed at 1pm  Teacher Professional Development Day

March 20-No school for students.  Teacher Professional Development Day

April 3-7–Spring Break. No school

Spelling Words:

List 1: bench, chop, chin, lunch, bunch, branch, chimp

List 2: cork, corn, fork, horn, tractor, orbit, thorn, forest

List 3: clown, crowd, crown, frown, growl, coward, drowsy, flower, power, allow, towel, vowel, gown, town, thundershower

List 4: chief, address, familiar, forty, similar, piece, receive, special, extra, escape, truly, realize, tomorrow, through

Literacy week events and spelling words

Literacy Week Events:

Monday–Field trip to WSU Storytelling Festival.  If you need to review information regarding the field trip please check the blog post of February 10th.

Tuesday--School-wide spelling bee.  Congratulations to our class finalists: Allie Tuttle, Jaicee Alire, and Taylor King-Perry.  The spelling bee for the lower-elementary will be held in the gym from 9-10am.  Parents are invited to attend.

Wednesday–“Community Readers”.  Please sign up on the wejoin from last week’s post if you would be willing to come read to students that day.

Thursday–Literacy night.  Come and enjoy fun literacy games and activities from 6-8pm

Friday– Read-A-Thon.  We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday on Friday afternoon with a “read-a-thon”.  Your child may bring a favorite Dr. Seuss book, or other favorite book, and a fun Dr. Seuss themed snack to share (please do not send candy). They may also bring an educational game to play (no electronics), and something soft to sit with such as a pillow or a blanket.

Spelling words:

List 1: hill, fell, bell, doll, pill, grill, windmill

List 2: baby, tulip, relax, robot, crocodile, tomato, violin, volcano

List 3: base, din, discard, dome, gallon, instrument, luxury, mallet, skill, slight

LIst 4: (adjectives ending with –er and –est)  hungry, hungrier, happy, happier, happiest, heavy, heaviest, heavier, pretty, prettiest, healthy, healthier


Literacy Week

Message from Ms. Kacee:


We are looking for community members to read their favorite books aloud to our students. Come dressed as your profession to promote the idea that everyone reads! On March 1st, police officers, nurses, pilots and customer service representatives, homemakers and more, can share their love of reading with children by signing up at the following link https://wejoinin.com/sheets/pygcf. We’ll even supply the books if you have too many favorites to choose from!

Please help make our Literacy Week extra special! Please feel free to share with your neighbors and family.

Kacee Weaver, M.Ed.


Field trip information, Spelling words, etc

Dear Parents,

I sent home field trip waivers and information a few days ago.  I am posting the same information below.  Please return the waivers as soon as possible.

WSU Storytelling Festival Field trip information:

  • Students should wear dress code for this field trip.
  • Students will need to bring a disposable sack lunch, and disposable water bottle.
  • A donation of $2 to cover the cost of the ticket would be greatly appreciated. (Please pay online or at the office prior to the field trip—thank you!)
  • We will meet at the North Shore parking lot at 9:00am. Parents will drive children to the parking lot on the south side of City Hall Park by the Municipal Building (a.k.a.Christmas Village).  We will walk from there to the Eccles Conference Center.
  • We will attend the festival from 10:00-11:50
  • We will have lunch at noon
  • Parent drivers will meet back at the parking lot of the City Hall Park at 12:45 and return children to school. For assistance in coordinating carpools for your child please contact our room mother, Tiffany Tuttle, at: tquigster@yahoo.com

This is the online Payment link:


Spelling Lists for next week:

List 1:  grass, glass, dress, class, kiss, moss, cross

List 2: glue, blue, statue, rescue, screw, jewel, crew, blew, spoon, root, raccoon

List 3: adult, clump, curious, gratitude, herd, newcomer, plain, stalk, tusk, wealthy

List 4:  (suffix ‘er’ and ‘or’)  performer, bricklayer, gardener, teacher, plumber, decorator, creator, actor, doctor, sailor

Our Valentine’s Day breakfast is Tuesday.  We sent home an assignment on an index card for each child.  Please have them bring their item in that morning.  They will also need to bring in their Valentine container that day.


updates and spelling lists

Here are some updates for this month.

Feb. 14–Valentine’s Day.  We will be having our annual Valentine’s Day breakfast.  We will be asking each child to bring something to contribute.  I will let them know what that is next week.  The children may decorate their own container at home for Valentines.  Also, your child will need 30 Valentines if they are planning on giving one to each person in the class.

Feb. 15-17:  Parent Teacher Conference. Don’t forget to sign up!  School will dismiss at 1pm.

Feb. 20–President’s Day. No school.

Feb. 27--Field trip to WSU Storytelling Festival.  I will send home field trip forms and information next week.

February Home Projects–This month the children need to do a creative writing project. They can choose to write a poem, a story (this can be a true story about something that happened to them, or someone they know,  or they can make up their own story), a play, etc. This can be simple or complex depending on their ability, and interest. If they are struggling with handwriting they may dictate it to someone.  I want this to be a fun, creative experience for them. I want them to enjoy the process of being an author.  They should also provide an illustration of some kind to accompany their writing. This can be a variety of things–painting, clay, puppet, mobile, booklet, shadow box, etc.  I really enjoy seeing their creativity.  They all have their own unique style and it is fun to see that come through in each of their projects.

Spelling lists:

List 1: plant, stamp, stand, blimp, stump, twigs, twins

List 2: donkey, chimney, valley, hockey, candy, empty, puppy, canopy

List 3: bustle, channel, connect, empire, mention, peak, scholar, settle, vehicle, zigzag

List 4:  plow, allow, ground, bounce, joint, choice, moist, oyster, destroy, employ