updates and spelling lists

Here are some updates for this month.

Feb. 14–Valentine’s Day.  We will be having our annual Valentine’s Day breakfast.  We will be asking each child to bring something to contribute.  I will let them know what that is next week.  The children may decorate their own container at home for Valentines.  Also, your child will need 30 Valentines if they are planning on giving one to each person in the class.

Feb. 15-17:  Parent Teacher Conference. Don’t forget to sign up!  School will dismiss at 1pm.

Feb. 20–President’s Day. No school.

Feb. 27--Field trip to WSU Storytelling Festival.  I will send home field trip forms and information next week.

February Home Projects–This month the children need to do a creative writing project. They can choose to write a poem, a story (this can be a true story about something that happened to them, or someone they know,  or they can make up their own story), a play, etc. This can be simple or complex depending on their ability, and interest. If they are struggling with handwriting they may dictate it to someone.  I want this to be a fun, creative experience for them. I want them to enjoy the process of being an author.  They should also provide an illustration of some kind to accompany their writing. This can be a variety of things–painting, clay, puppet, mobile, booklet, shadow box, etc.  I really enjoy seeing their creativity.  They all have their own unique style and it is fun to see that come through in each of their projects.

Spelling lists:

List 1: plant, stamp, stand, blimp, stump, twigs, twins

List 2: donkey, chimney, valley, hockey, candy, empty, puppy, canopy

List 3: bustle, channel, connect, empire, mention, peak, scholar, settle, vehicle, zigzag

List 4:  plow, allow, ground, bounce, joint, choice, moist, oyster, destroy, employ



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