Upcoming events and spelling words


SAGE testing schedule for 3rd graders:

April 20th: Writing test

May 3rd: Math test

May 15th: Language test

Field trips:

April 12th:  Treehouse Museum

April 26th:  “Born in China” at the Junction Megaplex theater (forms will come home the week after spring break)


April 14:  3rd grade science projects with Ms. Kaley

There will be no other required projects this month.

Spelling Words:

List 1: brush, dish, trash, fish, radish, ship, shrimp, splash

List 2: yawn, hawk, crawl, claw, ball, salt, small, wall

List 3: circle, birthday, girl, squirt, shirt, first, third, stir, dirty, swirl, thirty, thirsty, skirt, circus, thirteen

List 4: believe, receipt, seize, either, eighteenth, relieve, exceed, achieve, grief, yield, succeed, grieve, achievement, deceive, eighth




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