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Welcome Back!

School is almost upon us! I hope you are as excited as we are to see your smiling faces again!  Some quick announcements, updates, and back to school items to get us started.

First, please welcome Ms. Sarah into our class!  Ms. Sarah will be our assistant this year, and I’m excited for everyone to get the chance to meet her.  Her bio is in the page above if you want to get to know her before the first day of school.

Next, Please remember that we have back to school night THIS Friday from 3 to 6. This is a great opportunity to come in and check out our new space (we are now in room 21) and drop off school supplies before the first day of school.  Ms. Sarah will not be able to attend this, but I will make sure parents have a chance to come in and get to know us both.

Snack sign ups can be found here: https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/events  Please sign up for a couple different slots.  Your food donations make a huge difference in the days my students have and they are extremely appreciated by all.  Please take the time to help us make this happen.

Our next two months at a glance:

August 12: first day of school!

August 12-16: Early release days, students will go home at 1 PM

September 1: No School (Labor Day)

September 2: Redwoods meeting for sixth graders from 12-12:30 (students only)

September 12: Redwoods meeting for sixth graders AND THEIR PARENTS 5:30-6:30 pm

September 23: Normalization period ends

September 27: Early Release (professional development)

That’s all of my announcements for the moment! Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday and again on Monday!  If you have any questions or concerns please email me at lhughes@mariamontessoriacademy.org and make sure you have subscribed to this blog by using the button in the right panel.  Thank you!

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