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Welcome into November! (I know, I’m a couple days early)

My BIG THING   heading into next week:  please no CANDY (including gum) or POPCORN for the rest of the school year.  This is especially huge with Halloween this week.  Popcorn gets everywhere in our classroom and it has started taking up too much of our time to try to clean up the little popcorn bits.  Please keep in mind also that per the MMA website:  Soda, caffeinated beverages, and candy are not permitted.   Also, lunch heat up times have gotten a little out of control.  Please only send food with your child that takes 2 minutes or less to heat up.  Any longer than that and the line gets so long at our two microwaves that students don’t have enough time to eat.

General Overview of the Month, more detail will happen for each as we get closer to the dates.

Tuesday, the 31st is HALLOWEEN (insert scary ghost noises here).  Students are NOT allowed to wear their costume to school on Tuesday, and again, please no Halloween candy packed in lunches.

Friday, Nov 10: Early release due to professional development

Thursday, Nov 16: Community Gratitude Feast

Friday, Nov 17: Read-a-Thon Book Feast with our Lower Elementary mentor class

Nov 20-Nov 24: No School, Thanksgiving break

Since I got the IXL assignments out at the end of October and November is a short month (School wise) I am going to stick with the same suggested IXLs for November.

Bio for my new assistant coming soon! As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at lhughes@mariamontessoriacademy.org

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