Spelling words

Spring break is coming up on April 1-5th.  There will be no school that week.

Spelling Words:

List A/B: track, deck, brick, duck, block, clock, black, truck

List C: puzzle, handle, thimble, jungle, turtle, whistle, purple, paddle

List D: average, border, cocoon, flutter, moisture, nectar, process, span, suitable, timber

List P: abreast, barrier, breadth, capital, ensure, external, feud, fortress, frequent, frontier, peasant, petty, threat, utilize, vast

Spelling words

List A/B: brush, dish, trash, fish, radish, ship, shrimp, splash

List C: wrench, wring, wrap, wrist, write, wrecker, wren, wristband

List D:ambition, auction, coast, current, frail. intelligent, novel, resident, starve, volunteer

List P: address, approve, conclude, deprive, elder, escort, fare, forlorn, hearty, inhale, merit, stingy, summon, valiant, waft

Literacy Week

Dear Parents,

Next week we are celebrating literacy and will be having several activities throughout the week.  We would like each student to bring a print-out or drawing of a favorite book cover by Monday for display outside our classroom.  We also have a huge tree in the front hallway of the school.  For each book your child reads or has read to them, they may put a leaf on the tree with the title of the book.  Students may bring books for the book swap that will be held each day in the school kivas.  We will be having a fun Literacy Night on Tuesday from 5:30-7pm.  Click to see the flier.   There will be a school-wide read-a-thon on Friday from 10:00-11:00.  Friday is an early-out and school will dismiss at 1pm.  Please help us promote a love of reading this coming week!

field trip, spelling words, and Gala baskets

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that we have our field trip on Tuesday.  Please sign up on the carpool wejoin if you haven’t already.

Spelling words: 

List A/B: bench, chop, children, chin, lunch, bunch, branch, chimp

List C: fern, lantern, river, herd, turnip, fur, church, shirt, bird, girl, curl

List D: attract, crew, dangle, drift, event, launch, opposite, reverse, signal, steer

List P: apt, blossom, bough, content, detest, dusk, extinguish, familiar, obtain, orchard, practice, prune, stout, threadbare, wander

Below is a message from MAPA regarding the Gala baskets:
Parents, MAPA is in need of assistance for the classroom Gala baskets. We would ask that instead of donating items this year you donate money to MAPA and some of the volunteers will purchase everything for the baskets. We feel that this may alleviate any stress that providing items for the baskets may cause. We would ask you to be as generous as you can with your donation. We also ask that funds be donated by Thursday March 7th.

Field trip carpool sign-up

Tiffany Tuttle has created a carpool sign-up for our field trip to the Union Station on March 5th.  Please click the link below to sign up.

Carpool sign up

We will meet at North Shore at 12:25 and leave North Shore at 12:30. We will be leaving the Union Station at 2:30. Thanks for your help and support so we can make this field trip possible!

Dear Parents,

Here are a few updates.

Our Class Picture will be taken this Monday, February 25.

We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday on Friday, March 1 with a “read-a-thon”.  Your child may bring a favorite Dr. Seuss book, or other favorite book, and a fun Dr. Seuss themed snack to share (please do not send candy).

Our next field trip will be on Tuesday, March 5 to the Union Station. I sent home a paper today with the details.  I am posting the same information below.

Congratulations to our class spelling bee finalists: Pranet Huilgol, Moshe Mendez, and Alora Staheli.  They will be competing next Tuesday in the lower-el Spelling bee.

Everyone else will receive spelling words since we will be resuming spelling tests this week.

List A/B: cloth, moth, bath, math, path, sixth, thin

List C: cork, corn, fork, horn, tractor, orbit, thorn, forest

List D: cylinder, examine, fatal, feature, grasp, jet, marine, scar, tentacle, vessel

Also, we do not have anyone signed up for snack this coming week.  If you have not had a chance to sign up and could help out this week we would be very grateful.

Thank you!

Field trip information:


We will be going to Union Station on Historic 25th Street to learn more about the history of the railroad and other historic Utah facts.

What you will do and what you will learn
  • Go on a guided tour of the museum
  • Attend workshops
  • Explore the inside and outside of the museum
What you will need to wear or bring
  • School uniform, good shoes for walking in.
  • Jacket for outside exploration
Our Schedule
  • 12:50ish – Arrive at museum and check in (parents will transport). Parents can park in the south parking lot and go through the main door on the plaza to the front lobby.
  • 1:00-2:30 – Tour the museum and attend workshops put on by museum staff.
  • 2:30 – Parents will pick up children and transport them back to the school arriving at about 2:45/2:50ish.
Who to contact about carpools: Tiffany Tuttle    tquigster@yahoo.com 


Valentine’s Day activities

Dear Parents,

We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with a fun breakfast on Thursday, Feb. 14.  We will be sending home a card tomorrow with a specific item for each child to donate to the breakfast.  Since it will be an early-out day, students will not need to bring a lunch.  The breakfast should keep them full.   The children really enjoy these activities and we so appreciate your support.  Students can bring valentines and a decorated container that day as well.  There are 25 students in the class.

Thank you for all your support!

Ms. Krista

Parent Teacher Conferences February 13-15

Dear Parents,

Parent-teacher conferences are next week on February 13-15.  Students are invited to attend with their parents. Please no younger siblings.

Please sign up for conferences by Monday, February 11th.    After that I will print the schedule and clear the online sign-up. Changes to the sign-up will not be able to be made after that date.

We look forward to meeting with you.

Parent-Teacher Conference sign up

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Spelling Bee

During the month of February, we will be preparing for the school-wide spelling bee which takes place at the end of the month.  I have sent a Scripps National spelling bee packet home with each child. I will not be posting weekly spelling lists until after the school-wide spelling bee.   Instead of the usual spelling tests on Thursdays, we will now be doing practice spelling bees using the Scripps words.  For those in spelling group A and B, I will be using the 1st-grade list.  For group C, I will be using the 2nd-grade list.  For group D and P, I will be using 3rd-grade words and above.  Our top 3 spellers will go on to compete in the lower-elementary spelling bee on February 26th.  Please help your child practice the words at home.