field trip, spelling words, and Gala baskets

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that we have our field trip on Tuesday.  Please sign up on the carpool wejoin if you haven’t already.

Spelling words: 

List A/B: bench, chop, children, chin, lunch, bunch, branch, chimp

List C: fern, lantern, river, herd, turnip, fur, church, shirt, bird, girl, curl

List D: attract, crew, dangle, drift, event, launch, opposite, reverse, signal, steer

List P: apt, blossom, bough, content, detest, dusk, extinguish, familiar, obtain, orchard, practice, prune, stout, threadbare, wander

Below is a message from MAPA regarding the Gala baskets:
Parents, MAPA is in need of assistance for the classroom Gala baskets. We would ask that instead of donating items this year you donate money to MAPA and some of the volunteers will purchase everything for the baskets. We feel that this may alleviate any stress that providing items for the baskets may cause. We would ask you to be as generous as you can with your donation. We also ask that funds be donated by Thursday March 7th.

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