IXL information and usernames

Dear Parents,

I am pleased to tell you that we will be using the  IXL program again this year.  For those who are unfamiliar with IXL, it  is a comprehensive learning program offering unlimited math practice problems in thousands of skills—all of which are aligned to the Common Core. One of the best things about IXL is that your child can access it from home, so you have a chance to see your child’s progress!

To get your child started on your home computer, please go to IXL.com.  Sign them in using their username (These are listed below next to your child’s first name).  The password for all students is: 1234

Students will click on the name of the subject they’d like to work on at the top of the page and navigate to their grade or ability level. They can select a specific skill to practice from the list of skills. They can place their mouse over any skill to see a sample question and click on the link to begin.

IXL is designed to help your child learn at his or her own pace. The program is adaptive and will adjust based on your child’s demonstrated understanding of the material. All of your child’s results will be saved, so you can monitor his or her progress anytime by clicking on the Analytics tab at the top of the page. For on-the-go practice, you can download IXL’s free tablet apps for iPad, Android, or Kindle and sign in with your child’s username and password.

JAICEE-username: jalire1@mariamontessori

Eli–username: eallen@mariamontessori


CHRISTINE–username: caparicio@mariamontessori

Karter–username: kbarker@mariamontessori

DENVER-username: dbielaczyc@mariamontessori

Auston-username: ablue@mariamontessori

Caitlyn–username: bcatanzaro@mariamontessori

BRIGHTON–username: bcleverly1@mariamontessori

Madison–username: mcleverly@mariamontessori

DONOVAN–username: dekstrom1@mariamontessori

EMMA–username: egardner1@mariamontessori

LUCAS–username: lhall@mariamontessori

Graysha–username: ghansen@mariamontessori

CHRISTIAN–username: chess@mariamontessori

Pranet–username: phuilgol@mariamontessori

TAYLOR K.P.–username: tkingperry1@mariamontessori

Taylor K–username: tklaasesz@mariamontessori

HALEE–username: hmagee@mariamontessori

CYAN–username: cmitchell1@mariamontessori

Marcus–username: mmitchell@mariamontessori

KALIA–username: kmorse@mariamontessori

RIGEL–username: rproctor@mariamontessori

Morgan–username: mrains@mariamontessori

Gage–username: grollins@mariamontessori

Evan–username: esevilla@mariamontessori

Daxton–username: dsimpson@mariamontessori

DANIEL–username: dstephenson@mariamontessori

Alejandro–username: atally@mariamontessori

ALLIE–username: atuttle1@mariamontessori

Xienna-username: xwatson@mariamontessori

Spelling words

Dear Parents,

I had the children write their spelling words on index cards to take home over the weekend.  Please ask them what list they are on.

List 1: ax, van, gas, bag, cap, ham, cab, dad

List 2: calf, cushion, flap, claw, groom, yard, couple, share, zero, shelter,

List 3:attract, crew, signal, steer, dangle, drift, event, launch, opposite, reverse

We talked today about their upcoming book report project that is due Sept. 19.  They seemed very excited to get started.

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Krista


Spelling words and yesterday’s assignment

Dear Parents,

We will be having our first spelling test next week.  I will be posting the spelling words each weekend prior to the upcoming test so students can begin practicing. Spelling lists are determined by level of ability.  Your child should know which list they are on since they have all been practicing their spelling words this past week.

Level 1: Bat, cat, mat, sat, hat, fan, can, ran

Level 2:  Pin, pine, kit, kite, mat, mate, cap, cape

Level 3:  Cylinder, examine, fatal, feature, grasp, jet, marine, scar, tentacle, vessel

Weekend assignment:

I gave all of the children the assignment to learn their address and phone number before they return to school on Tuesday.  I will be checking with each of them to see if they have learned it.  Thank you for your help with this.

Have a wonderful labor day weekend!

Ms. Krista


Home projects–year at a glance

Dear Parents,

Since, we do not have traditional homework in Montessori schools, home projects are assigned each month to take the place of homework.  Home projects will be based on a monthly theme which is listed below.  These projects are intended to be interest based and allow students to explore questions, find answers, and share information with their peers.

Please assist your child in finding the information that they need.  They can use books from the library, the internet, interview friends or family who may be knowledgeable on a specific subject, etc. Students will need to provide a final written report, provide a visual aid (poster, mini-book, shadow box, mobile, clay, power-point, etc.), and present this to the class.  Please help them use words they know how to read and understand and not just copy information. (If they are not yet fully reading they may dictate their report and have you write it for them).

Sometimes, students come to class having only prepared the night before and are unable to read the words on their report, or do not really understand their subject.  These projects should take several days to research and complete.  It is so important to help your child understand what they are learning.

I highly encourage your child to practice presenting their report at home.  This helps students know their material well enough to really engage the class and prompts more questions and interaction among students. Please have them practice so they will be fully prepared to present their project on their own.

I will provide further details and a schedule each month for the specific topic.  I have also created a page at the top of the blog for a quick reference.


September:  Book reports—each student will present a favorite book they have read. If they are not yet reading fluently they may choose a book someone has read to them.  They will need to tell about the main characters, a brief summary of the book, and share why they liked it.  As with all home projects, they will need a visual aid to accompany their report.  If possible I would like them to bring the book as well.  This project will be due the week of Sept. 19th.

October: U.S. Presidents

November: A gratitude project.  “Why I am thankful to live in America….”

December: International Festival.  Our continent this semester is North America.  Students will present a country or state found in North America. For this project, students will be required to use a tri-fold poster.

January:  Personal interest project (e.g. dinosaurs, planets, historical event, famous person, science, special place, etc. )

February: Creative writing project.  Students may choose to write a play, poem, short story, song, or any other style of creative writing.

March:  Zoology/physiology project.   First graders will present one of the following: fish, bird, amphibian, reptile, or mammal.  Second graders will present a body system. Third graders will present an invertebrate.

April: South America.  Students will choose from a variety of topics regarding the continent of South America, such as a specific country, historical or geographical landmark, indigenous peoples, cultural aspects, animals, etc.

May:  Botany.  Students will research and present a favorite plant.



First week!

Dear Parents,

We’ve had a great first week.  We’ve really enjoyed getting to know each other better.  All of the children are meshing well and getting along wonderfully!  We’ve played several games to learn each other’s names and build community.  We’ve talked about how to be a good friend, and we made a delicious “friendship fruit salad” together (Thank you so much for your donations!).  We’ve read a lot of great stories together and had some wonderful discussions and shared ideas and thoughts.  The children have really enjoyed sharing their “getting to know you” papers.  We will finish those next week.  Today we did a fun “numbers about me” math activity.  We also did a creative science activity and a fun team building game  with Ms. Paula’s class, aka  “Mountain Lion Mentor” class.    Overall, it’s been a wonderful week!!

Next week we will begin our “Great Lessons.”  These are the foundational Montessori lessons.  For more information about them visit the most recent “Monday Montessori Moments” on MMA’s blog.  I would also highly recommend that you subscribe to that blog if you haven’t already.

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Krista

20160817_100505 Friendship salad20160817_100528

Snack Sign-up

Dear Parents,

I have added an online sign-up sheet for our classroom snack to the lower right column on the blog under “sign-ups”.  I am also including it here.  Please click on the following link: snack sign-up.

If everyone can sign up for at least 2 different weeks during the year than snacks will be covered!  Please remember that donated foods must follow MMA’s wellness policy. You may click on “snack suggestions” on the top right column of the blog for ideas

We appreciate your help in making sure the children have snack throughout the school year.  Thank you very much!

Ms. Krista

Class Supply List 2016-2017

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all enjoying your summer.  I’ve noticed a few “Back-to-School” ads coming out already.  So for those of you who are hoping to get a head start on school shopping I’ve made a list of classroom supply needs for this coming school year.


  • 3 regular composition notebooks
  • 2 Primary composition notebooks
  • 2 sturdy plastic pocket folders with prongs (color specified by grade). 1st graders-2 green; 2nd graders-2 blue; 3rd graders-2 red
  • Small sturdy dry-erase lapboard
  • Pencil pouch
  • 8-count watercolor
  • Child size scissors
  • Water bottle
  • Small hand-held pencil sharpener
  • Slippers    (2016-2017 MMA Parent Handbook:  “All students need to have a soft sole shoe/slipper that must be worn at all times while in the building. The slipper needs to be free from logos, lettering, graphics, sparkles, sheen, decorative accents, and characters. *Note: a small pattern is acceptable.”)


  • 2 fine point dry-erase markers
  • Package of regular non-mechanical pencils
  • Large package of Crayola twist-up colored pencils (not twist-up crayons)
  • 1 box of tissues
  • “select a size” paper towels -1 roll
  • 1 container Clorax or Lysol wipes

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Thank you for a wonderful year!

Dear Families,

Ms. Sharon and I would like to express our deep gratitude and appreciation for all the service you have given to our class this year. The notes, letters, gifts, and all of your thoughtfulness has truly touched our hearts. We have loved working with all of the children this year and look forward to caring for and teaching them all next year. Have a safe and wonderful summer. Thank you for your friendship and support.
With love,
Ms. Krista and Ms. Sharon

Spirit Week and end of year events

Dear Parents,

Next week is spirit week.  Each day students will be allowed to wear something fun and creative to school.

Monday: Dress like your favorite book character (please no weapons or masks).

Tuesday: Crazy sock day

Wednesday: Crazy hair or hat day

Thursday: Pajama day

Friday: Dress down day

The following are important upcoming activities and events:

May 17: Last boxtops store

May 19:  Spring Choir Concert

Those with last names that start with the letters A-K will come to the 6 o’clock performance.

Those with last names that start with the letters L-Z will come to the 7 o’clock performance.

The concert will only be about 30-35 minutes long.  All the children are encouraged to come, but not required.  The children should wear their nicest clothes.

May 20:  Field day

May 23: Kinder bridging ceremony 11:00-12:30

May 24: 3rd grade bridging ceremony at 10:30.  Following the ceremony 3rd graders will be allowed to have lunch with Ms. Paula’s class–our mentor buddy class.

May 25: Class party.  More information to come.

May 26: Last day of school and yearbook signing!!