Spirit Week and end of year events

Dear Parents,

Next week is spirit week.  Each day students will be allowed to wear something fun and creative to school.

Monday: Dress like your favorite book character (please no weapons or masks).

Tuesday: Crazy sock day

Wednesday: Crazy hair or hat day

Thursday: Pajama day

Friday: Dress down day

The following are important upcoming activities and events:

May 17: Last boxtops store

May 19:  Spring Choir Concert

Those with last names that start with the letters A-K will come to the 6 o’clock performance.

Those with last names that start with the letters L-Z will come to the 7 o’clock performance.

The concert will only be about 30-35 minutes long.  All the children are encouraged to come, but not required.  The children should wear their nicest clothes.

May 20:  Field day

May 23: Kinder bridging ceremony 11:00-12:30

May 24: 3rd grade bridging ceremony at 10:30.  Following the ceremony 3rd graders will be allowed to have lunch with Ms. Paula’s class–our mentor buddy class.

May 25: Class party.  More information to come.

May 26: Last day of school and yearbook signing!!


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