Schedule of Asia presentations for next week


  • Vietnam–Harrison
  • Armenia–Cyan
  • Bangladesh–Chloe
  • Cambodia–Jaicee
  • China–Brody
  • Guam—Lucas
  • Hong Kong–Karter
  • India—Tayor and Haven
  • Iran–Christine


  • Israel–Angel
  • Japan—Christian and Alaina
  • Jordan–Jordyn
  • Laos–Auston
  • Lebanon–Denver
  • Malaysia–Halee
  • Mongolia–Rigel
  • Nepal—Caleb
  • North Korea–Emma


  • Philippines—Kalia and Mary
  • Singapore–Brighton
  • South Korea–Allie
  • Taiwan–Tys
  • Thailand—Mckenna
  • Turkey–Jace
  • United Arab Emirates–Donovan
  • Afghanistan–John


Updates and spelling words

Dear Parents,

Upcoming events this week:

Monday, Dec. 7field trip to the Nutcracker.  Please encourage your children to dress nicely for this event.

Thursday Dec. 10— We are excited to invite you to a special performance by our class at 2pm in the library.  We will be singing, reciting poetry, performing a special Christmas reader’s theater, etc.  The kids are very excited to show-off what they’ve been learning.

Third graders will be having their SAGE practice writing test on Thursday morning from 9-12pm.  Please encourage them to practice on Utahcompose and their online typing program (whatever they have chosen).

Level 1–plant, stamp, stand, blimp, stump, twigs, twins

Level 2–her, ever, every, nerve, serve, herd, super, earn, learn, search, vertical

Level 3–No spelling this week due to SAGE test on Thursday


International Festival

The Annual International Festival is quickly approaching. This is the time of year when each student has the opportunity to present a country from the continent we are studying. This semester we have been learning about Asia.

The International Festival is a way to explore other cultures from around the world.    Each student will research and explore their chosen country and find a creative way to share what they have learned with the whole school.  Students will need to have a display of their country.  This can include pictures, artifacts, clothing, music, and food from their country.  During the festival students will have the opportunity to visit each classroom and experience all of the continents and countries throughout the world as they view the presentations prepared by their schoolmates.  Each student is expected to participate in the festival.  All of the children have chosen a specific country from Asia to present.   I will provide the list below so you know which country your child has chosen.

Here is a link to help with country reports:

The International Festival will be Dec. 16-18..  Lower-Elementary will be presenting their projects to the entire school on Dec. 17 from 12:30-2:30.  I would like them to present their projects individually to our class on Dec.14-16.

  • Afghanistan–John
  • Armenia–Cyan
  • Bangladesh–Chloe
  • Cambodia–Jaicee
  • China–Brody
  • Guam—Lucas
  • Hong Kong–Karter
  • India—Tayor, Haven
  • Iran–Christine
  • Israel–Angel
  • Japan—Christian/Alaina
  • Jordan–Jordyn
  • Laos–Auston
  • Lebanon–Denver
  • Malaysia–Halee
  • Mongolia–Rigel
  • Nepal–Caleb
  • North Korea–Emma
  • Philippines—Kalia, Mary
  • Singapore–Brighton
  • South Korea–Allie
  • Taiwan–Tys
  • Thailand—Mckenna
  • Turkey–Jace
  • United Arab Emirates–Donovan
  • Vietnam–Harrison


Spelling words for week of Nov. 30

Sorry about the delay in getting the spelling words out.

Level 1:  belt, melt, film, milk, raft, mask, gift

Level 2: girl, shirt, skirt, stir, third, turn, hurt, curve, church, turtle, birthday

Level 3: cable, cathedral, convey, device, freight, landmark, method, rod, shaft, structure

Spelling words, and important updates




south korea


We had a great time learning about South Korea today from Allie’s mom.  We even sampled some delicious Korean snacks.  We also learned about Japan on Wednesday from Christian’s dad.  We love it when parents come and share their talents and experiences!  Thank you!

Spelling words for this week:

Level 1–camp, jump, lamp, pump, sand, wind, hand, tent, mint

Level 2–catch, caught, drink, drank, think, thought, teach, taught, ride, rode, movement

Level 3–attitude, confess, defend, gradual, hint, individual, malice, misery, solution, survey


Nov. 18–class feast

Nov. 19–school-wide community feast.

Nov. 23-27–Thanksgiving break.  No school : )

Dec. 7–Field trip to the Nutcracker.

Dec. 10– Ms. Krista and Ms. Sharon’s class Christmas program at 2pm in the library. Family members are invited.

Nutcracker payment link

We are asking for a donation of $3 per student to cover the cost of the bus and the Nutcracker tickets.  Here is the online payment link:

Thank you and have a lovely weekend,

Ms. Krista



Class Feast

Dear Parents,

We are having our annual class feast next Wednesday, Nov. 18.  We discussed individual food assignments today with each student.  Please let me know if your child forgot their assignment, or if you have any questions or concerns about their item. Also, please let me know If your child won’t be able to bring their item so we can make other arrangements. You can send it in that morning with your child.  We really appreciate your support with this.  The kids are so excited!

Spelling words and other updates

Level 1– nest, dust, vest, cast, rust, fist, last

Level 2– grow, grew, know, knew, keep, kept, find, found, leave, left, irregular

Level 3–No spelling test due to SAGE testing next week.

Please help your child prepare for their spelling test by assisting them at home.  Also, please encourage your child to use and on a regular, consistent basis. These sites are paid for by the school in an effort to assist students with math and reading. This is very crucial, especially since students do not have regular homework.

Wednesday is picture re-take day.  If you are interested in having your child’s picture retaken please let me know so I can make sure to send them down for pictures.  They will also need a form filled out, which I will send home to whomever needs one.

Our next class field trip will be on Dec. 7.  We will be going to the Nutcracker at the Egyptian Theater.  Fortunately, we will be sharing a bus with another class this time so you will not need to worry about getting your child there and back.  I will be sending home field trip forms soon.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Ms. Krista