Updates and spelling words

Dear Parents,

Upcoming events this week:

Monday, Dec. 7field trip to the Nutcracker.  Please encourage your children to dress nicely for this event.

Thursday Dec. 10— We are excited to invite you to a special performance by our class at 2pm in the library.  We will be singing, reciting poetry, performing a special Christmas reader’s theater, etc.  The kids are very excited to show-off what they’ve been learning.

Third graders will be having their SAGE practice writing test on Thursday morning from 9-12pm.  Please encourage them to practice on Utahcompose and their online typing program (whatever they have chosen).

Level 1–plant, stamp, stand, blimp, stump, twigs, twins

Level 2–her, ever, every, nerve, serve, herd, super, earn, learn, search, vertical

Level 3–No spelling this week due to SAGE test on Thursday


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