Literacy Week

*No spelling words this week.  We will be preparing for the spelling bee next week.

Literacy Week: Feb. 26-Mar. 2

Monday, Feb. 26th–Storytelling Festival field trip.

Tuesday, Feb. 27th–spelling bee.  Lower El. 9am-10am.

Wednesday, Feb. 28th–community readers visiting classes. We need community readers during the day!. Sign ups can be found at

Thursday, Mar. 1–Literacy night.  Join us from 6:00 pm -8:00 pm for a fun, family night full of games and prizes! Join us dressed as a book character and celebrate reading and writing!

Friday, Mar 2– Read-A-Thon.  We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday on Friday afternoon with a “read-a-thon”.  Your child may bring a favorite Dr. Seuss book, or other favorite book, and a fun Dr. Seuss themed snack to share (please do not send candy).

Creative Writing project schedule

Writing Projects are due next week.  The schedule is below.

Tuesday, Feb. 20: AJ (morning)

Wednesday, Feb. 21: Lily, Alora, Lucas, Addison, Matthew, Xienna, Pranet, Savannah C, Evie

Thursday, Feb. 22: Eli, Gage, Daxton, Evan, Axel J., Alejandro, Denver, Axel G., Luca, Aaron

Friday, Feb. 23: Asher, Tony, Crystal, Brody, Christine, Savannah B, Camdyn, Christian, Halee



Storytelling Festival field trip and spelling words

Dear Parents,

Below is the information that was recently sent home on the permission form regarding our upcoming field trip to the Storytelling Festival.

We will be attending Weber State University’s annual Storytelling Festival.  Students will enjoy professional storytellers from around the country.  They will also hear storytelling performances by other elementary-age students.  This will enhance the literacy week curriculum through literature, culture, and the arts.

What you will do and what you will learn
  • We will be attending WSU annual Storytelling Festival at the Ogden Eccles Conference Center (next to the Egyptian Theater).
  • We will listen to professional storytellers from around the country.
  • We will learn proper audience etiquette and how to be a good audience
  • We will develop an appreciation of literacy through drama and the arts
What you will need to wear or bring
  • Students should wear dress code for this field trip.
Our Schedule
  • Students will need to arrive at school at the normal time to take attendance.We will then walk to North Shore.
  • Parent arranged car pools will be departing from North Shore parking lot at 8:50 am
  • We will meet in the lobby of the Ogden Eccles Conference Center at 9:15 am
  • Performance begins at 9:30 pm and will end at 11:20
  • Parents will meet in the main lobby of the Eccles Conference Center by 11:20 to return children to school.
  • For assistance in coordinating carpools for your child please contact our room mother, Dena Stephenson at:


Spelling words:

List A:  brush, dish, trash, fish, radish, ship, shrimp, splash

List B:glue, blue, statue, rescue, screw, jewel, crew, blew, spoon, root, raccoon

List C and D:  Both C and D groups will be practicing the spelling bee words that were sent home 2 weeks ago.  If any student from group A or B wishes to do the same then they can.  We will be doing a practice spelling bee in place of spelling tests for groups C and D and anyone else who wants to participate.

February home project and spelling words

Dear Parents,

This month the children need to do a creative writing project. They can choose to write a poem, a story (this can be a true story about something that happened to them, or someone they know,  or they can make up their own story), a play, etc. This can be simple or complex depending on their ability, and interest. If they are struggling with handwriting they may dictate it to someone.  I want this to be a fun, creative experience for them. I want them to enjoy the process of being an author.  They should also provide an illustration of some kind to accompany their writing. This can be a variety of things–painting, clay, puppet, mobile, booklet, shadow box, etc.  I really enjoy seeing their creativity.  They all have their own unique style and it is fun to see that come through in each of their projects.

Spelling words:

List A: chimp, branch, bunch, lunch, chin, children, chop, bench

List B: donkey, chimney, valley, hockey, empty, puppy, candy, canopy

List C:rush, climb, laugh, cough, write, teach, reach, wash, wait, hear, listen, feel, dance, skate, chase

List D: blur, burst, curl, further, curtain, twirl, whirl, squirm, firm, term, nervous, partner, prefer, concert, superb

Dear Parents,

Parent teacher conferences are coming up on Feb. 14-16.  Students are invited to attend with their parents this time. Please no younger siblings.

Please Sign up for conferences by Saturday, February 11th.    After that I will print the schedule and clear the online sign-up. Changes to the sign-up will not be able to be made after that date.

We look forward to meeting with you.

Parent teacher Conference sign up

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Spelling words

List A: cloth, moth, bath, math, path, sixth, thin

List B: peach, stream, read, green, sleep, thief, field, shield

List C:restful, restless, careful, careless, helpful, painful, painless, hopeful, joyful, finally, quietly, happily, quickly, friendly, sadly (words with suffixes)

List D:trace, dancer, celery, distance, recent, citizen, cereal, recess, cycle, center, silence, twice, receive, advice

Spelling words and chili cook off information


Spelling words:

List A: hill, fell, bell, doll, pill, grill, windmill

List B: pie, tie, flies, blind, kind, child, sky, fly, python

List C: base, din, discard, dome, gallon, instrument, luxury, mallet, skill, slight

List D:giggle, pillow, attack, wiggle, suppose, collect, matter, bubble, worry, office, ladder, ripple, apply, hobble

History project schedule

Monday: Savannah B, Savannah C, Evie, Axel G., Luca, Aaron, Camdyn,

Tuesday: AJ (morning)

Wednesday: Asher, Tony, Crystal, Lily, Alora, Xienna, Pranet,

Thursday: Eli, Gage, Daxton, Evan, Axel J., Alejandro, Denver

Friday: Brody, Christine, Christian, Halee, Lucas, Addison, Matthew


Spelling lists

List A: grass, glass, dress, class, kiss, moss, cross

List B: coat, soap, elbow, snowman, yellow, toe, doe, hold

List C: adult, clump, curious, gratitude, herd, newcomer, plain, stalk, tusk, wealthy

List D: waste, offer, agree, settled, belong, married, improve, adores, avoid, combine, frighten, instruct, copy, defy, object

January’s home project and spelling words

Dear Parents,

Each student has been assigned a specific topic related to History for this month’s home project. Please see specific details below.  Projects will be due the week of January 22.

Level 1s:

“Timeline of My Life”

Level ones will be doing a timeline of their life.  They will need a page for each year of their life, and will label each page with that particular year.   On each page, they will need to attach a photo that was taken during that year.  Under each photo they will need to write a sentence or more about that year in their life. They will need to design a cover and make a booklet of these pages

Level 2s:

Level 2s will be researching a specific planet. They may present this as creatively as they wish.








Level 3s:

Level 3s will choose a dinosaur or other pre-historic animal to research and present.  They need to know what time period the animal lived, where on the Earth it lived, what it ate, and other interesting facts.  They may present this as creatively as they wish.




Halee—Utah Raptor





Axel J—Brachiosaurus


Spelling words:

List A: plant, stamp, stand, blimp, stump, twigs, twins

List B: snail, tail, train, hay, crayon, gray, rein, vein

List C: bustle, channel, connect, empire, mention, peak, scholar, settle, vehicle, zigzag

List D: calendar, carnival, experience, govern, gulf, haste, nation, scatter, surrender, thrill