February home project and spelling words

Dear Parents,

This month the children need to do a creative writing project. They can choose to write a poem, a story (this can be a true story about something that happened to them, or someone they know,  or they can make up their own story), a play, etc. This can be simple or complex depending on their ability, and interest. If they are struggling with handwriting they may dictate it to someone.  I want this to be a fun, creative experience for them. I want them to enjoy the process of being an author.  They should also provide an illustration of some kind to accompany their writing. This can be a variety of things–painting, clay, puppet, mobile, booklet, shadow box, etc.  I really enjoy seeing their creativity.  They all have their own unique style and it is fun to see that come through in each of their projects.

Spelling words:

List A: chimp, branch, bunch, lunch, chin, children, chop, bench

List B: donkey, chimney, valley, hockey, empty, puppy, candy, canopy

List C:rush, climb, laugh, cough, write, teach, reach, wash, wait, hear, listen, feel, dance, skate, chase

List D: blur, burst, curl, further, curtain, twirl, whirl, squirm, firm, term, nervous, partner, prefer, concert, superb

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