PTC and Spelling Words

Parent-Teacher Conference is coming up on December 17-19.  I am looking forward to celebrating your amazing children with you.  Please look here for our track it forward sign up sheet.  You will find our sign up times listed on the above dates labeled Ms. Krista PTC.  If you have not made an account with Track it forward you will be prompted to do that before you can sign up for a conference slot.

Please sign up for conferences by Sunday, December 15.   After that, I will print the schedule and clear the online sign-up. Changes to the schedule will not be able to be made after that date. We look forward to meeting with you.

December 17-19 will also be early-out days.  School will dismiss at 1pm.  Winter break will be December 20-January 3.  School resumes on January 6.

Spelling Words

List A: nest, dust, vest, cast, rust, fist, last

List B: glue, blue, rescue, screw, jewel, crew, spoon, root,

List C: astronomy, besides, crater, degree, diameter, gaze, gravity, reflect, telescope, universe

List D: ail, banish, communicate, console, cower, deliberate, depth, desire, livelihood, misfortune, orphan, precipice, regain, slay, symptom

MCWs: two, more, write, go, see, number, no, way, could, people. (Please help your child practice reading these words at home.)

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