Spelling words, etc.

Spelling words

List A:  bib, fin, kid, pig, rib, wig, lid, pin

List B: bone, cone, globe, home, mole, rope, stove, smoke

List C: antenna, balance, boulder, cliff, joint, machine, motor, muscle, planet, slope

List D: approach, burrow, cease, destructive, drowsy, famished, forecast, hibernate, migrate, nestle, observe, prepare, reduce, severe, venture

These are the “Most Common Words” of the week. They are part of our reading curriculum this year.  Please assist your child in learning to read them at home:  at, be, this, have, from, or, one, had, by, word

We are in need of dish soap in our classroom.  If you would be willing to donate a bottle we would be very grateful.

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

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