Spelling words and updates

Dear Parents,

MMA’s  Winter Concert is on Monday at 6:30 in the new gymnasium.  Students need to arrive no later than 6:15. They should wear a solid color top and black bottoms. All of our students have been practicing very hard for this concert.   I am so excited to see them perform.

Our class holiday party is on Thursday, December 20.  Please have your child bring a secret Santa gift that day and a food item to share.

Spelling Words: 

List A/B: plant, stamp, stand, blimp, stump, twigs, twins

List C: glue, blue, statue, rescue, screw, jewel, crew, blew, spoon, root, raccoon

List D: bustle, channel, connect, empire, mention, peak, scholar, settle, vehicle, zigzag

List P: appall, dejected, depend, dreary, fanatic, impact, invade, isolate, occupy, reveal, rout, suspect, temporary, terror, tragic


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