Home projects and Spelling words

Dear Parents,

I have added a page to my blog (found on the top right column) regarding home projects.  All of the lower-elementary classes will be following the same theme for projects throughout the year.  All of the details for each project are found on that page.  Our first project will be due the week of October 1st.  The week prior, I will send out a  schedule of what day your child will be doing his/her project.  We always look forward to these projects and seeing what your child has learned.

Spelling words- (Please help your child study his/her spelling words so they will be ready for the test on Thursday)

Group A and B will be combined:  ax, bag, cab, van, cap, dad, gas, ham

Group C:  lake, plate, rake, flame, grave, snake, tape, wave

Group D: accident, acrobat, alarm, bounce, enormous, gap, scoop, support, tangle, weigh

Thank you!

Ms. Krista


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