Field trip details

Dear Parents,

Our first field trip is coming up next Friday, Sept. 21.  To try to keep things more organized and stress-free for all of us I wanted to add a few more details.  To avoid congestion with several other classes who will also be attending this field trip, I have decided to have our class meet for pick-up at the far east side of the North Shore parking lot. We will be out there by 11:35. It is imperative that you all be there on time to take your child and head to Weber State.

Once we arrive at the Browning Center of Weber State, we will meet at the east side of the parking lot shown on the map below (click link to open).  We will meet in the same place after the performance is over.  Chaperones will need to pay for parking.  If you decide to take your child home at that point please contact the office to check them out.  Once all children are picked up, Ms.  Sharon and I will plan on being back at the school by 2:30.

Also, it is very important that you let Tiffany Tuttle ( know as soon as possible if you are able to take your child and any other students on the field trip.  If we do not have enough drivers to transport all of our students the field trip will have to be cancelled.   The children are so excited about going on this field trip, we hope everyone can contribute to making this first outing a success.


Thank you!

Ms. Krista

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