Welcome Back!

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a wonderful break.  The kids were very excited to share what they had done over the break.

We have our Annual International Festival coming up on February 6-7th.  We will be studying South America the 2nd half of the school year.  Therefore, each child will be responsible to prepare a presentation on a country in South America for the festival.  They will have a chance to present it to just our class that week as well.   Parents will be invited to attend the festival.

Their reports should include a visual such as a a tri-fold board for easy viewing during the festival. They are also welcome to bring items from that country, food, music, etc. Ideas for projects include: people, animals, cultural traditions,  history of the country, geographical landmarks, food, music, plants, etc.

I will have a sign-up sheet of South American countries for the students to choose from.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Krista


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