Field trip this Thursday

Just a reminder that we will be going on a field trip this Thursday, November 29th to the Hill Aerospace Museum. We will meet at North Shore at 11:20 and leave by 11:30 am.  Students will need to be picked up at the museum by 2:15 pm.

We will eat lunch before we go. Please make sure your child has good walking shoes and a warm jacket. A portion of the field trip will take place outside.

If you have not signed up on the carpool wejoin please click the link below.

Carpool sign up

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Spelling words

List A/B: nest, dust, vest, cast, rust, fist, last

List C: pie, tie, flies, blind, kind, child, sky, fly, python

List D: astronomy, besides, crater, degree, diameter, gaze, gravity, reflect, telescope, universe

List P: all, banish, communicate, console, cower, deliberate, depth, desire, livelihood, misfortune, orphan, precipice, regain, slay, symptom

Spelling Lists

List A/B: plug, clip, clap, flag, flip, plum, blot

List C: coat, goat, goal, soap, elbow, snowman, yellow, toe, doe, hold, hoe,

List D: abroad, blast, career, cautious, girder, invent, rotate, story, strand, tower

List P: advantage, astonish, confirm, distant, founder, hamlet, host, misgiving, parch, prospect, scarce, shrewd, sole, torment, typical

Thanksgiving Potluck

Dear Parents,

We have decided to have a Thanksgiving potluck in our class on Monday, Nov. 12 Please send a potluck item with your child to share with the class. I have created a wejoinin sign up for you to use so we don’t have too much of the same thing. I have added a few blank rows for those who are bringing items that are not included on the list.
Here is the sign-up link:
Thank you for your support in helping us put this together.
Ms. Krista

“Independence” home project schedule

These are the days each student will be presenting their project to the class.  Please make sure your child is ready with his/her project on the day it is due.

Monday, Nov. 12: Aksel, Evie, Anna, Alora, Evan, Pranet, Ariana

Tuesday, Nov. 13: Olyvia, Savannah, Tony, Moshe, Zeke

Wednesday, Nov. 14: RJ, Elijah, Luca, Lynkoln, Mckenzie, Asher

Thursday, Nov. 15: Jacklyn, Reese, Axel, Crystal, Eli, Daxton, Maya

Friday, Nov. 16: Cultural Festival 1-3. Parents are invited to attend.

Spelling words and updates

Dear Parents,

Monday, Nov. 5th is an early-out day.  School will dismiss at 1:00.

Friday, Nov. 16 is our school-wide Cultural Festival.  Parents are welcome to attend from 1-3pm.  Projects will be presented that week in class.

Nov. 19-23–Thanksgiving Break.

Spelling Words:

List A/B:  plug, clip, clap, flag, flip, plum, blot

List C: snail, tail, train, hay, crayon, gray, rein, vein,

List D: aquarium, cage, club, faucet, flood, gift, icicle, imitate, pearl, valley

Spelling Words

List A/B: stop, stem, step, swim, slug, spot, sled, snap

List C: costume, reptile, inside, sunrise, volume, homeless, lemonade, divide

List D: badge, banner, corner, design, fold, parade, rectangle, salute, tread

List P: alter, confuse, distribute, eject, embrace, equip, flexible, instant, keen, limp, scurry, seize, shallow, surround, victim.

Upcoming home project and Cultural Festival

Dear Parents,

The school-wide Cultural Festival is coming up on Friday, November 16.  Students will be displaying their second home project during this festival.  Individual presentations will be done in class the week of November 12-15.  The theme for this home-project is American History and Independence.   Here are some ideas for this year’s festival: 13 colonies, statue of liberty, liberty bell, the national bird, the history of the flag, Founding Fathers, U.S. presidents, states, Native Americans, Pilgrims, revolutionary war, Declaration of Independence, etc.

Students should find a creative way to share what they have learned with the whole school.  Students will need to have a display for their project.  During the festival students will have the opportunity to visit each classroom and view the presentations prepared by their schoolmates.  Parents will also be invited to come to the festival as well.  I will provide a schedule of individual presentations the week prior to the festival, so students will know when they will be presenting to the class.

Spelling words

List A/B: bed, hen, jet, leg, net, ten, web, red

List C:  time, hive, stone, blade, shore, prune, frame, crane

List D: cone, cube, earth, fern, fuel, grain, lizard, miner, present, seam

List P:  applaud, crafty, disclose, drab, entire, exclaim, exquisite, intend, jeer, peer, progress, refine, scoundrel, uneasy, vain