Welcome to our new Classroom Blog

Welcome Families!  I am so excited to have a classroom blog!  I’m very new to the whole blogging idea, so it will take some time for me to get things added and organized.  I  will be using this blog as my main communication tool.  I will include upcoming events, student highlights, classroom photos, and other pertinent information.

The first week of school was great!  The children learned all about our classroom flow, grace and courtesy rules, and how a Montessori school works. We will still have plenty more to cover next week.   We did a lot of getting-to-know-you activities.  We played some name games, colored self-portraits, and did some writing.  We had our first “Great Lesson” in History and learned about our place in the world.  I will continue with more of the “Great Lessons” next week.  I will also begin reading assessments with the level 1s.

Our class room mother is Patty Sweeney.  Please contact her if you were unable to sign up for snack, or other things that you would be interested in volunteering for.  We always need reading volunteers, and field trip help.  Her email address is: preidsweeney@aol.com

I am also looking for a parent who knows how to use a laminator.  I have some things that need to be laminated and we are short on staff who have time to do it.  Please email me if you are interested in helping out with this.

Last Thursday I sent a paper home with your child’s name and number on SIS.  This paper had instructions for you to update your demographic information on SIS if needed.  Please let me know if you did not receive this paper.

Please subscribe to the our classroom blog so that you will be notified via email whenever I post an update.