Europe projects

Dear Parents,

We will be doing one final project.  Since we have been studying Europe this past semester all the kids are eager to present a country of their choice.  Some students have chosen to do the same country or work together on a project.  I’ve encouraged them to bring anything they have (souvenirs, clothing, art, music, etc.) or can make (food, craft, etc.) from their chosen country.  If your child was not here today please let me know which country they would like to do.  It is alright if they choose a country that’s already been chosen.  We will have the presentations on May 14 and 15.

Allie, Spencer—Russia



Chloe, Kenton—Sweden


Brighton, Kamden—Turkey






Lexie, Mckenna—France

Gareth, Harrison—Netherlands


Field trip, testing, and home projects

Dear Parents,

We have a busy week coming up….

Monday–Field trip to Hogle Zoo.  We are leaving at 9am.  Please make sure your child has a sack lunch, disposable water-bottle and a jacket.

Tuesday–Level 3s will be a given a chance to participate in the “Pre-Bee” spelling test.  (They ran out of time to test everyone yesterday)

Wednesday--Boxtop store will be open.  Level 1s will be presenting their zoology home projects.

Thursday–Language Arts Sage test for level 3s from 8:45-12pm. (Please make sure they get a good night sleep, and have a hearty breakfast that morning)  Level 2s will be presenting their zoology home projects in the afternoon.

Friday–Level 3s will be presenting their home projects.

There will be no spelling tests next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Ms. Krista

Field trip to Hogle Zoo

Dear Parents,

Our class will be joining Ms. Stephaney’s class on a field trip to the Hogle Zoo on Monday, April 20.  We will be traveling via school bus. We will be leaving the school by 9am. Students will need to bring a sack lunch, disposable water bottle, and a coat or jacket.   The activity at the Hogle Zoo will begin at 10:30am.  We will depart from the zoo by 1pm and return to the school by 2:30pm. The donation requested for this field trip is $5. I sent home the forms a couple days ago.  Please sign each page and return as soon as possible.

Here is the payment link:

Zoology Home Project

Dear Parents,

We are studying Zoology this quarter.  I have assigned each student a category of animal to research and present.  For example, if they have been assigned “fish”, then they need to choose a specific fish.  As always, a visual aid must accompany the report (drawing, mobile, booklet, poster, box, etc.)  Level 1s will be presenting their reports on Wednesday, April 22.  Level 2s will be presenting on Thursday, April 23.  Level 3s will be presenting on Friday, April 24.

Level 1s










Level 2s




Harrison— amphibian

Jace— amphibian





 Level 3s

All level 3s are to choose an invertebrate to present

School wide spelling bee

Dear Families,

Today we kicked off our very first School Spelling Bee! Your children should be bringing home a packet of spelling words to memorize. Please encourage your children to practice, practice, practice! 1st round tests will be given on the 16th for lower elementary students, the 21st and the 22nd for Upper Elementary and Junior High students. The three students who spell the most words correctly from each class will represent their class in the school wide spelling bee on May 8th.

Kacee Weaver, M.Ed.

Curriculum Instructional Specialist

Maria Montessori Academy


Message regarding the GALA

5th Annual GALA!

Our 5th Annual MMA GALA is right right around the corner.  The funds for this year’s event are specifically targeted to help purchase a computer lab!  Your attendance, financial support, and commitment to this event is greatly appreciated!

Anyone can buy Gala Raffle Tickets to win the following prizes: Grill, iPad Mini and Samsung Tablet. Tickets – Thursday, Friday and Monday – Thursday next week after school 3:00-3:15pm!  $2.00 for 1 ticket 3 tickets for $5!

Purchase your GALA tickets and GALA Raffle Tickets on the following dates:

Saturday, March 14th at Smiths from 10:00am-4:00pm

Friday, March 13th after school at North Shore and in the school’s main lobby.

Friday, March 20th after school at North Shore and in the school’s main lobby.

You can also purchase your GALA tickets online using the link below!


Spelling lists for week of March 16

Level 1:  match, scratch, stretch, hatchet, kitchen, catch, hitch, latch

Level 2: heal, treat, team, please, peace, clean, feast, least, steal, east, appearance

Level 3: summer, dinner, ladder, letter, pepper, litter, bottom, supper, ribbon, carrot, lettuce, lesson, sudden, kitten, happen

The boxtop store will be open this Wednesday, March 18.  Send all boxtops in a ziploc bag with your child.

Spring Break is coming up!!  No school Mar 30-April 3.

Have a great weekend!